Daily Dispatch

BCM mayor appeals for end to violence


BUFFALO City mayor Zukiswa Ncitha called on citizens to stop destroying property and violating others’ rights when they want to be heard.

Speaking at a business breakfast hosted by the Black Management Forum to observe women’s rights, Ncitha called on citizens to courageous­ly fight against violation of women’s rights to ensure another massacre in the vein of Sharpevill­e would never happen again.

On Tuesday night a meeting in which Ncitha addressed service delivery came to a fiery end when irate residents of Mzamomhle, Gonubie, torched a community hall, developmen­t centre and a spaza shop.

Citing the latest incident, Ncitha said youth disrupted her meeting in Mzamomhle but were called to order.

She said the growing trend of destroying public and private property around the country showed South Africans did not observe the responsibi­lities and duties that go with their rights.

“Those people whose places were burnt have rights too, even if they are foreigners. When we destroy what they work for, are we saying we are working towards that another Sharpevill­e does not happen?

“When you say a hall should be renovated, do you need to burn it down to make your point?” Ncitha asked.

“Our conduct as citizens of SA is about only rights, but ignores responsibi­lities.”

Human Rights Day yesterday commemorat­ed the 53rd anniversar­y of a Pan-Africanist Congress-led protest against pass laws, where police opened live fire killing 69 demonstrat­ors.

“We are saying we’ll never again have Sharpevill­e. For that to happen we have to act in such a way that it does not happen again.

“As mothers we have a big responsibi­lity to educate our children, not just academical­ly or about their rights, but also their responsibi­lities. Our children have to know that rights go with responsibi­lities,” said Ncitha.

Ncitha called on the women present to take up the fight against rape and domestic violence.

“Women’s issues remain at the periphery of social and political discourse because women have opted to focus on peripheral issues,” said Ncitha. —

 ?? Picture: STEPHANIE LLOYD ?? NO MORE VIOLENCE: BCM mayor Zukiswa Ncitha chats to Thabisa Sigwela at a Black Management Forum women's empowermen­t breakfast on Human Rights Day yesterday
Picture: STEPHANIE LLOYD NO MORE VIOLENCE: BCM mayor Zukiswa Ncitha chats to Thabisa Sigwela at a Black Management Forum women's empowermen­t breakfast on Human Rights Day yesterday

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