Daily Dispatch

Disband merger to help solve Walter Sisulu crisis


THE situation at Walter Sisulu University is no joke. People were so creative when addressing the merger, saying all the right words. I vividly remember: “The merger will help the government to allocate funds properly”.

What happened after funding was cut for all the three institutio­ns now combined as one? Now Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande is waiting for the iceberg to melt so that he can drive to WSU without any bumps or risk to the wheels of his luxury car.

These politician­s were so quick to go to Nkandla alongside Cosatu trying to block the DA march.

African politician­s just do not know when to use their powers and they take a chance knowing that Africans are so, so forgiving.

The merger needs a divorce immediatel­y. — M Sihele, via e-mail

So one is dealing with a man who does not care that cruelty to animals happens.

Luppnow states that neither the Page Family Trust nor the agents involved would be involved in or condone cruelty. Well, the judge has ruled that there is cruelty – fact. NSPCA inspectors have accompanie­d ships and met ships on the other side and there is cruelty – fact. This is indisputab­le.

Page also owns a halaal abattoir and the animals can therefore be slaughtere­d in South Africa according to religious rites. The meat can be taken to Mauritius and still reach its destinatio­n while warm. This will not lead to loss of jobs. It will probably create more jobs.

Luppnow says the welfare of animals should be considered foremost. That is exactly what the SPCA is doing. Has Luppnow been on one of these ships, met the animals on the other side, seen the barbaric method of handling and slaughter on the other side?

The SPCA has – more than once. On day one, the ammonia levels below deck were so bad, SPCA staff could not breathe and their eyes watered. Imagine what it would be like day after day? Bad weather at sea makes the animals seasick.

The period of the average voyage is not eight days. It is longer including loading and unloading. And I am not including the travelling time of the animals that are brought in from all over the country and which have to stand on trucks for a day and night without food and water while in transit as was the case with a truck I recently intercepte­d in the early hours of the morning.

Yes, loading is done under strict supervisio­n – that of the SPCA – no one else. In Page’s papers he welcomes the SPCA on board the ship and to monitor loading. But when CEO Marcelle Meredith phoned as a courtesy to ask if it would be okay for the SPCA to monitor loading, he said no and put the phone down. This required the SPCA to get a warrant to do its job.

As for the significan­t difference it makes in the feed industry – the food is imported from India. It is not even locally produced. It would be interestin­g to know what kind of bonuses the staff got out of the R18-million odd that was made on this shipment.

Luppnow supports the industry provided that welfare is paramount. Well it isn’t – money is. And that is exactly why the SPCA is opposed to this outdated and barbaric practice.

Luppnow condemns the SAPS for helping to enforce the warrant. For the record, four SAPS officers from the harbour police accompanie­d the SPCA because Page had phoned the harbour to instruct them not to let the SPCA onto the harbour. This despite us having a warrant to do so. Since when does Page run the harbour? So Mr/Ms Luppnow, please get your facts straight. – Annette Rademeyer, KWT SPCA


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