Daily Dispatch

Nothing will stop us now


SPRINGBOK women’s captain Mandisa Williams believes there’s nothing that can stand in their way ahead of their must win once-off World Cup qualifier against Uganda at the Buffalo City Stadium this afternoon.

The Springbok women will be writing a new page in the history books when they run out at East London’s Buffalo City Stadium for the first time in their first ever World Cup qualifier.

Williams said the most discipline­d team on the day will come out on top.

“We are more hungrier than they are and we want this more. The girls have lifted their spirits in the camp, the mood is unexplaina­ble and I feel like I’m the only one feeling the pressure.”

Williams reiterated that it’s going to take a collective effort from all 23 players to take the team to the World Cup in France next year but remained confident.

“To take this one home, everyone has to play their part because as much as we are a team everyone has their own individual responsibi­lities within the team.

“We all have to focus on the details. If we are at the scrum or ruck everyone must know what is needed of , and they must execute their duties well, with accuracy,” added Williams.

The Springbok team has a fruitful blend of youth and experience to call on plus a solid bench to be injected into the game in the later stages.

The Springboks spent the week in preparatio­n for the Uganda encounter with Saru High Performanc­e Centre Director of Coaching Rassie Erasmus and defence coach Jacques Nienaber.

Team coach Aslam Abraham said the job is now left to the team to go out and win the game.

“We’ve had a great week of preparatio­n and it’s really up to the team to go out there and perform as we practiced.

“The girls looked good in all areas today. The only thing in their way now is the nerves,” said Abraham.

Border Rugby Football Union general manager Dumisani Mhani called on the Springboks to take the field and enjoy themselves.

“For the mother body (Saru) to bring this game down here to us means that they had faith in us and we are delivering.

“The girls have to bring this one home to ensure a World Cup spot and we are confident they will. As long as they leave the pressure in the dressing room and run out to enjoy themselves, the victory will come,” concluded Mhani.

 ?? Picture: STEPHANIE LLOYD ?? AGILE: Border women’s captain Mandisa Williams runs the ball with Vuyolwethu Vazi during training
Picture: STEPHANIE LLOYD AGILE: Border women’s captain Mandisa Williams runs the ball with Vuyolwethu Vazi during training

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