Daily Dispatch

Free our food systems from corporate greed


THE dangers of climate change aren’t down the road; they’re already here. And they’re fuelling a global food crisis.

Recently, more than 60 scientists from around the world met in Japan, to finish writing a comprehens­ive report on the impacts and dangers of climate change and global warming. The report by the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seeks to tell global leaders just how bad the climate change problem is right now. And it’s very bad.

Leaked drafts painted a pretty frightenin­g picture. According to these the major risks and effects of climate change and global warming are far more immediate than was first thought. And those effects go beyond melting ice, rising temperatur­es, and threatened species of animals and plants.

Right now, climate change is driving everything from droughts and flooding to war, disease, and hunger. In fact, global climate change-driven food problems are behind most of the upheavals in the Middle East, from Egypt to Syria.

And, as climate change continues to worsen, those food problems and conflicts will become more widespread, and extend well beyond the Middle East. That should cause the entire world to rethink how we produce our food.

Right now, most of the food of America – and the world – is produced by giant agribusine­ss companies. Corporatio­ns like Cargill, ConAgra, Kraft, and PepsiCo dominate global food distributi­on, using large-scale homogenous single-product operations.

But, as you can imagine, with just a few massive agribusine­ss corporatio­ns controllin­g food distributi­on for nearly the entire planet, the process is extremely inefficien­t, unsustaina­ble, and fragile.

That’s why there are about one-billion people struggling with hunger worldwide. In the face of global climate change and global food crises, we are being told by common-sense – and now, apparently, the IPCC – that in order to build a more resilient food system and future, we must decentrali­se global agricultur­e, break up the big agribusine­ss giants and move towards local agricultur­e systems.

Cities like Detroit in the US have already realised that. Yes, the same city where the economy is in pieces and where people are struggling to make ends meet, has turned into one of the biggest success stories in local agricultur­e and community gardening.

Entire blocks of run-down and abandoned homes have been knocked down, and turned into community gardens. In fact, there are now over 300 community gardens across Detroit and that number is climbing by the day.

City schools are getting in on the “urban farming” action too – 18 in Detroit have built school gardens.

In the face of economic despair, the citizens of Detroit have found a way to keep food local, to keep money in the local economy and to remove the influences of giant agribusine­ss corporatio­ns. And they’re being environmen­tally friendly, too. Our current food system, driven by giant agribusine­ss corporatio­ns, is incredibly destructiv­e to our environmen­t.

It relies on toxic fertilizer­s and pesticides, not to mention all the fossil fuels used to grow, fertilise and transport the food. But local and organic agricultur­e doesn’t rely on dangerous pesticides and herbicides, and sequesters carbon in the soil, rather than releasing it into our atmosphere.

And local, organic agricultur­e produces higher yields and higher quality food too, which simply can’t be matched by giant agribusine­ss corporatio­ns.

Climate change is making it abundantly clear that we need to rethink and reinvent our global food systems. The age of a few giant agri-biz corporatio­ns controllin­g most of the world’s food supply should come to an end. At least America can use the Sherman Act to break up giant agribusine­ss corporatio­ns, and the giant banks whose speculatio­n is constantly increasing food prices. A few companies shouldn’t hold the fate of billions of people in their hands.

We need to encourage more local agricultur­e across South Africa and around the globe. We should also vigorously pursue a system of regulation­s that will eventually lead to the eradicatio­n of the control of monopoly capital in order to put control over food production and distributi­on back in the hands of the people.

Every home in our country should have a garden, so entire neighbourh­oods and communitie­s can become more resilient and self-sustainabl­e.

It’s time to break the corporate strangleho­ld on our food system, and in the process help combat global warming. — Patrick Sekoe, Buffalo Flats

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