Daily Dispatch

Data sought on roadkill


MOTORISTS have been called upon to report animal roadkill to the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT).

There is even an app for the project.

Drivers are asked to assist EWT to sending in photograph­s and details of the kind of animal killed, where it happened and the date.

Recorded roadkill sightings and photograph­s can be sent to

or the public can use EWT’s Road Watch South Africa smartphone app.

The roadkill project launched earlier this year aims to reduce the number of animals smashed to death by motorists.

Earlier this month, EWT and project sponsor, tyre-manufactur­er Bridgeston­e, launched the unusual project which Bridgeston­e public relations manager, Desirèe van Niekerk, said was very successful nationally and in Namibia and Botswana.

The leader of EWT’s Wildlife and Roads project, Wendy Collinson, said the more data they collected the clearer the picture would become on how motorists and wildlife were colliding.

Three motorists who accurately record and submit the most roadkill sightings before January 31 2015 also stand a chance to win two Desert Fox five-litre fuel cells and two spotlight sets.

Collinson said data on more than 5 000 roadkills had already submitted by members of the public. —

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