Daily Dispatch

Josh’s 30-hour surf record epic

Wave-rider sets sights on Guinness milestone for charity


AN EASTERN Cape surfer is hoping to ride his way to a world record – and overcome a lifelong fear of sharks – by clocking up 30 hours in the water for charity this weekend.

During the official Guinness World Record longest surf attempt, 30-year-old Josh “The Gypsy” Enslin will wear a high-tech electronic shark repellent device as he rides the waves at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth through the night.

“Sharks are a reality of surfing and they will be on my mind – especially during the night,” he admitted yesterday. “I am naturally terrified of sharks but wearing the device will definitely put my mind at ease.”

Although the longest session the surf crazy Eastern Cape retail manager of Billabong South Africa has clocked up during the 22 years he has been riding waves, is a comparativ­ely paltry six hours, he is confident he will make 30 hours.

“I was surfing the internet earlier in the year and came across a Guinness World Record for the longest surf and immediatel­y thought I could beat it.”

On the spur of the moment, Enslin sent an e-mail to the Guinness World Records saying he would like to challenge the 29hr, 27min mark set by Ben Shaw in California a year ago.

“I heard nothing for three months and thought it was not going to happen when Guinness World Records replied and said my challenge had been accepted.”

Admitting to having second thoughts, Enslin was inspired by his fiancé Shelley Wells to use the record attempt as a fundraiser for local charities.

Fired up by her suggestion, Enslin hit the gym and clocked up the hours with top mixed martial arts trainer Chris Bright to increase his stamina and did gym work and swimming training to prepare for the event.

They also set up the Cyoh Make A Difference fund and decided to raise food and funds for charities working with street children, underprivi­leged surfers and animal welfare groups. “It is not just about me breaking a record, it is also about trying to make a difference.”

According to friend Robert Jacobs, the aim is for Enslin to try and catch and stand up on a wave every five minutes in an effort to try and top the 300 waves ridden by Shaw.

For every hour in the water, Enslin will be given a five-minute break which he can accumulate so he can time a longer time out. — davidm@dispatch.co.za

Surfer Josh Enslin training for his marathon
world record attempt in Port Elizabeth this
Picture: GRANT ‘CEA-LEGGS’ CLEGG WAVE CRAZY: Surfer Josh Enslin training for his marathon world record attempt in Port Elizabeth this weekend

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