Daily Dispatch

NU1 man aggrieved over ‘police assault’


A MDANTSANE man who lost the ability to have children after he was allegedly assaulted by police officers from Mdantsane last year, says no action has been taken against the perpetrato­rs.

Mzameli Velaphi, 31, from NU1 expressed disappoint­ment at the Independen­t Police Investigat­ive Direct (Ipid’s) investigat­ion into the matter.

Velaphi was accused of being involved in the theft of a flatscreen TV in June last year. Charges have not been laid against him and the case has not gone to court.

He said his ordeal started when police stormed his home. “They said they wanted a plasma TV that was stolen by another man and was transporte­d in my small taxi. They took me to the man’s house and I really didn’t know anything about the TV.

“Later we were taken to the police station where they cuffed us and forced us to kneel down, and then assaulted us,” he alleged.

“After beating and torturing us for hours the police didn’t even charge us for the theft; instead they drove us back home and we never heard of the case again.”

Velaphi said two days after the assault, his health nightmare began.

“I woke up on the third day after the incident and my genitals were swollen and I could not urinate. I went to the local clinic and was rushed to Frere Hospital for an operation.” He spent three weeks in hospital, and was told his testicles had been removed.

He reported the matter to police and was told Ipid would investigat­e.

“This has shattered my life. I’ve had two operations, because apparently something went wrong the first time.

“All I want is justice; I don’t understand why this case is not being taken seriously when it has ruined my life,” said the father of one.

Contacted for comment, police spokesman Lieutenant Nkosikho Mzuku referred all questions to Ipid.

Ipid’s acting national spokesman Robbie Raburabu confirmed the investigat­ion, and said: “The case is still in the process of investigat­ion and will be sent to court once all the relevant statements have been obtained.

“It is not clear whether the implicated members are all still within SAPS [South African Police Service]. That question will be clarified by SAPS.” —

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