Daily Dispatch

Time to up democracy, says SACP


IT’S time for a second‚ more radical phase of the country’s democratic transition‚ the South African Communist Party (SACP) said.

This would mean having to transform the colonial structure of the economy and its unsustaina­ble reliance on the import of finished products and dependency on export of raw materials and primary goods‚ it said yesterday in a year-end message.

It said South Africa had become a better place to live in since 1994 when the apartheid regime had been dislodged.

But these and other social achievemen­ts needed to be built on as the country continued to transform for the better.

“In particular, we must place our programme of transforma­tion on to a second‚ more radical phase of the democratic transition in South Africa.

“We must up the stakes in this regard in tackling the problems of persisting inequality‚ unemployme­nt and poverty.

“Strategic infrastruc­ture programmes must continue. Most importantl­y and beyond infrastruc­ture developmen­t we must develop productive capacity‚ expand‚ diversify and raise the levels of national production‚” the SACP said.

“The ongoing internatio­nal economic crisis has glaringly exposed the dangers of colonial and dependent economic organisati­on‚” the party added.

It said more emphasis must be placed on localising ownership and developing collective forms of ownership such as co-operatives‚ public ownership and democratic national control.

“We must close ranks against those who seek to loot the public sector for personal gain as an essential pillar in the struggle for a second‚ more radical phase of our democratic transition.”

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