Daily Dispatch

Talented Gladwin disseminat­es music on several media platforms


WITH his debut album out, self-taught musician Jason Gladwin hopes this will mark a new dawn for his music. The 23year-old East London singer has made television appearance­s and has performed on numerous stages across the country.

How did you get into music? Was it something you dreamt of as a child? What is your earliest memory of performing live?

My older brother had a guitar lying around the house, so I would come home after school and pick it up and start messing around until I eventually got decent. My first ever show was at a venue called Musos (now closed) in East London.

Where do you get your inspiratio­n from?

I get inspiratio­n from all over really, I absolutely love words and especially writing. Other bands inspire me. Fans (if I can call them that) who know all the words to my songs. And lastly, the most inspiring is to know that there are people out there who can connect and relate to my lyrics.

What’s the one thing you must have with you or do before you perform?

Definitely a glass of something. Preferably beer or wine.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully still doing what I love. Being able to support and raise a family from my music would be fantastic. Being rich and famous wouldn’t be so bad either.

What drives your lyrics? How you get ideas for your material?

My mind is constantly running wild, trying to put together words, lyrics, ideas and phrases. I pride myself on lyrical depth and strive to move people emotionall­y with whatever the topic is that I sing about. I take ideas from people’s (myself included) situations. I love to try and paint pictures in the listener’s mind with the words I use. To feel the atmosphere of the song. I never hold back my words, as deep and heavy as they sometimes are.

What kind of music are you listening to?

At the moment I’m listening to a band called Twenty One Pilots. But I enjoy all kinds of music with strong lyrical substance. I also love listening to other South African artists such as Matthew Mole, Majozi, Gangs Of Ballet, Beatenberg and my new fave, Ben Dey And The Concrete Lions.

Which was the first CD you ever bought?

I think it was an Outkast CD. Sorry Miss Jackson. I am for real.

What’s your take on the change to playing 90% local music in SA?

It’s both a good and bad thing to me. Yes, there is some incredible talent that is finally getting airplay. But in the same breath, I think some compilers fill their slots with some really average South African music as well. Bitter sweet. I guess some stations play some really average internatio­nal stuff too though.

Do you think it is possible to do music full-time while based in the Eastern Cape?

Yes. Especially for weddings and corporate gigs. I’m luckily at a place in my career where I can afford to fly to shows if necessary and not completely “break the bank”. It is definitely necessary to travel. In fact vital. I actually just got back from a show in Cape Town over the weekend.

You recently launched your debut album titled how long did it take you to get it out?

The songwritin­g process took a few years (I was never in a hurry) and the recording took a couple of months. PS: Thanks to everyone who came to my launch [in East London earlier this month]. It was sold out so that was really special!

Any plans of signing up with a record label in future?

Yes most definitely. It’s just a matter of waiting for the right door to open at the right time.

How do you relax?

I love watching series. Also, having a few drinks with friends does tremendous­ly well at “recharging” me.

What’s your favourite food?

Easy. Sushi.

Anything else you would like to tell us?

Just to please follow my music, support my shows and request my music on radio stations. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram: @jasongladw­in as well as “like” my Facebook page: Jason Gladwin Music and to listen to my music you can follow me on Soundcloud by searching “Jason Gladwin”.

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