Daily Dispatch

Last roll of dice for Blatter to get six-year ban lifted


SEPP Blatter will mount his final challenge against his sixyear Fifa ban today, following more than a year of scandal that saw him thrown out of football in disgrace.

The former Fifa boss has appealed to the Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport (Cas) seeking to overturn a suspension imposed by world football’s governing body.

“I’m very confident,” the 80year-old Blatter said last week, although his prospects for an outright victory would appear to be remote.

The now infamous, endlessly debated case first emerged in September of last year, when Swiss prosecutor­s said they were investigat­ing Blatter over a suspect two million Swiss franc payment (R27-million) he authorised in 2011 to his one-time heir apparent, Michel Platini.

Those revelation­s initially triggered a provisiona­l suspension by Fifa’s ethics committee. A full investigat­ion and trial by Fifa’s in-house court found Blatter and Platini both guilty of ethics violations. They were banned from the game for eight years in December. A Fifa appeals committee cut those penalties to six years in February, just before Blatter’s successor and fellow Swiss national, Gianni Infantino, was elected as Fifa’s new president.

Blatter’s hopes for redemption at Cas are likely hampered by Platini’s failed appeal at the Lausanne-based court.

In a May ruling Cas judges said they were “not convinced” that the $2-million payment was legitimate. They did however reduce the suspension against the former French star and European football chief from six years to four, judging Fifa’s penalty “too severe”.

Throughout the protracted saga, both Blatter and Platini have insisted the payment was part of a legitimate oral contract.

Platini had been hired by Fifa as a consultant from 1999 to 2002 and had apparently not received his full compensati­on. The two men claimed the $2-million was authorised in 2011 as an honest effort to settle that account. Judges at Fifa and Cas have so far found that argument unpersuasi­ve. Blatter has maintained his innocence as his four-decade Fifa career unravelled over the last 13 months, and continued that trend in the interview last week.

“Fifa made the contract with Platini, and this was an oral contract,” he told AFP at a plush restaurant in Zurich. “So far in the Fifa committees, in the ethics committee and in the appeal committee, they were saying: we don’t believe that. But we are not all liars. So I think there is a good chance that this panel will believe that there was a contract.” Arguments at Cas are expected to last just one day, although a decision may take several weeks. The hearing marks the latest legal battle in a series of intertwine­d scandals that began in May of last year, when the US Justice Department unsealed a raft of corruption indictment­s against top Fifa officials.

Prosecutor­s in New York have since indicted 40 football and sports marketing executives over allegedly receiving tens of millions of bribes and kickbacks. Some of the most powerful people in the game have fallen, including Fifa’s long-serving secretary general Jerome Valcke. — AFP

 ?? Picture: GETTY IMAGES) ?? LAST PUSH: Sepp Blatter enters the final phase of a battle to clear his name and get his Fifa suspension lifted
Picture: GETTY IMAGES) LAST PUSH: Sepp Blatter enters the final phase of a battle to clear his name and get his Fifa suspension lifted

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