Daily Dispatch

How to make a succulent festive gift


THIS year, give a gift that is practical, gorgeous, and super affordable!

The holiday season is upon us and we all know that shopping can be exhausting – not only the physical part of it, but the actual gift ideas and trying to find something that the receiver will love. It is also an expensive time of year, so gifts that don’t break the bank are absolute winners. That’s why this cute terrarium is the perfect DIY present this season.

Making it is fun and easy to do with the kids, and would be great for those end-of-year teacher gifts – even more so, if they make it themselves.

What you will need:

A glass jar Drainage stones Activated charcoal that has a lid) Potting mix/ well-draining succulent soil if using succulents (for a jar Plants (we used one echeveria succulent) Decorative white stones Moss or Old Man’s Beard air plant Festive ribbon Scissors

Steps to follow:


Place some drainage stones in the bottom of the jar.

Cover the stones with a layer of activated charcoal (this filters the toxins in the jar and keeps it smelling good, when the jar is closed).

Pour some soil on top of the charcoal, leaving enough space for the succulent you have chosen. Plant your succulent, making sure you have the stem firmly grounded.

Arrange some white decorative stones around the succulent. Cover the stones with a portion of Old Man’s Beard - laying it lightly on top of the stones.

Close the terrarium; cut the ribbon and tie it neatly around the jar lid to create a gorgeous, festive gift.

Care instructio­ns:

Place your terrarium in an area with lots of light, but not in direct sunlight.

Check your terrarium for condensati­on droplets – if there is condensati­on, open the jar and let the excess moisture evaporate. Use a spray bottle to water your terrarium and don’t over water – if there is a collection of water at the bottom, this is too much.

Rather water a little bit at a time, to prevent over watering. Once a week is good enough.

For more informatio­n on bringing Life to your Garden or other stories on this page visit website www.lifeisagar­den. co.za or join the conversati­on on Facebook page: www.faceBE book.com/lifeisagar­densa .

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