Daily Dispatch

Ageing reversed in trials on mice


SCIENTISTS have shown it is possible to reverse ageing – in animals, at least.

The technique takes adult cells back to their embryonic form. US researcher­s showed it was possible to reverse ageing in mice, letting them live for 30% longer.

The technique involves stimulatin­g four genes which are particular­ly active during developmen­t in the womb.

Scientists from the Salk Institute in California hope to eventually create a drug which can mimic the effect of the genes.

This could then be taken to slow down, and even reverse, ageing. They say it could take 10 years to begin human trials.

Dr Juan-Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, of Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory, said: “This study shows that ageing is a very dynamic and plastic process, and therefore will be more amenable to therapeuti­c interventi­ons than we previously thought.”

Scientists have known for some time that the four genes could turn adult cells back to their stem cell state, where they can grow into any body part.

But it was always feared that allowing this to happen could damage organs made from the cells and even trigger cancer.

But scientists found stimulatin­g the genes intermitte­ntly reversed ageing, without causing damaging side effects.

In mice, the treatment slowed signs of ageing and increased lifespan by 30%.

If it worked similarly in humans, it could allow people to live to well beyond 100. — The Daily Telegraph

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