Daily Dispatch

Buffalo City ANC caucus in trouble

Council deployees asked to explain municipal manager position bungle


councillor­s weren’t there and voted with opposition.

“We are going to go there tomorrow [Thursday] and meet the ANC caucus in Buffalo City. Everyone will be given an opportunit­y to state his or her own side of the story,” said Mabuyane.

The Daily Dispatch can also reveal that the Dr W B Rubusana regional leaders who “misled” the ANC caucus and advised it to field a candidate for Ncunyane’s replacemen­t would also be made to account.

Mabuyane confirmed that a meeting was held between the top five officials of Calata House, led by Phumulo Masualle, as well as the Dr WB Rubusana regional executive committee yesterday afternoon to get a breakdown of events leading to “the embarrassi­ng council meeting on Tuesday”.

The Dispatch understand­s that a provincial executive committee (PEC) deployee in BCM, Mzuyanda Sokujika, communicat­ed the decision to allow cooperativ­e governance and traditiona­l affairs MEC Fikile Xasa to send an official from his office instead, before the BCM ANC caucus met.

“We want comrades to explain why they defied the PEC decision that [cooperativ­e governance and traditiona­l affairs] MEC Fikile Xasa must deploy someone to act as BCM municipal manager until a suitable candidate is hired.

“The BCM caucus opted to ignore this, and everything has now backfired,” said Mabuyane.

He also issued a stern warning to regional leaders who continue to act outside party guidelines by publicly pronouncin­g on the ANC’s succession races.

This follows a Dispatch report on Tuesday in which Pakati confirmed that the Dr W B Rubusana region had pronounced on the provincial conference due to take place in June.


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