Daily Dispatch

Show discretion when engaging with social media


MODERN technology is a life-enhancing thing. But it does get some users into a host of trouble.

Apart from the explicitly racist comments that frequently appear, many writers are blasted for comments or tweets left open to misinterpr­etation.

And it is not just ordinary folk who battle these waters. Tweet-happy President Trump and his team are prone to social media faux pas, whether failing to spell-check “unpresiden­ted”, or agreeing with articles on satirical news site The Onion without realising they’re spoofs.

Meanwhile, crooner James Blunt, author J K Rowling and footballer Wayne Rooney and more locally our own Minister of Sport and Recreation Fikile Mbalula, have been hailed for their witty taming of Twitter trolls.

It’s such a minefield that perhaps some commandmen­ts for midlifers trying to navigate social media are necessary. Here are 10:

Thou shalt not become a food bore

Posting occasional photos of your impressive slow-cooked stew or Master Chef-worthy cake on Facebook or Instagram is fine, if a tad show-offy, especially if you’ve “accidental­ly” edged a Wüsthof knife or Le Creuset dish into shot. Tedious conversati­ons with your partner about what you’re having for supper should be restricted to texts, where nobody else can see you’ve got “a glut of aubergines that need using up”.

Thou shalt not get into political arguments

Express an opinion about a politician and words like “fascist” or “racist” will be flung around. Venture your views and before you know it, everyone’s calling each other names. You’ll never win, it could turn nasty and to the casual observer, you come over as an over-opinionate­d idiot.

Thou shalt not be a humble bragger

Attempting to self-deprecatin­gly undercut your trip to the theatre with “Thought we’d get off the sofa and swap the box set for something more highbrow lol” doesn’t work. We know full well you’re still boasting. Don’t even get us started on the running and cycling brigade.

Thou shalt double-check the recipient list

The equivalent of accidental­ly hitting “reply all” on an email. So when you’re date-wrangling over a villa-sharing holiday, confirm who’s on the “to” list before you unintentio­nally slate someone’s husband in public for being an “idiot”.

Thou shalt use hashtags and emojis sparingly

You’re not 12.

Thou shalt beware of cut-andpaste

A bungle was recently made by White House press secretary Sean Spicer, who accidental­ly tweeted “n9y25ah7”, which is almost certainly his password to something important.

Thou shalt not use social media for family domestics

Sniping at your spouse on Twitter (“Busy, are we?”) or making subtle digs about your children being “too busy gallivanti­ng to visit” on Facebook isn’t a good look. It’s also what talking on the telephone is for. Remember that?

Thou shalt not use social media as a search engine

Can anyone recommend a good hotel or tradesman? Is the train strike still on? What’s the weather going to be like this weekend? Google it.

Thou shalt not be a whingebag

Cryptic posts of the “Some people aren’t worthy of a place in your heart” variety. Moans about failed parcel deliveries. Rants about other drivers cutting you up or shoddy customer service… Save them for friends and family, rather than inflicting it on distant acquaintan­ces.

Thou shalt put thy phone down

We’ve all rolled our eyes at the party guest tapping away to strangers while ignoring those actually in the room. Be present, be polite and put the pesky mobile away. — The Daily Telegraph, with additional reporting by DDR

 ?? Picture: ISTOCK.COM ?? USE RESPONSIBL­Y: Modern technology is a life-enhancing thing, but it does get some users into a host of trouble
Picture: ISTOCK.COM USE RESPONSIBL­Y: Modern technology is a life-enhancing thing, but it does get some users into a host of trouble

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