Daily Dispatch

Now here’s a thing for you to ponder over, Edward


I ALWAYS read your articles with great interest. And at times I agree a little with what you have to say.

However it seems most of what you have to say is much of a muchness. For example, your latest attack on Pravin Gordhan, FW de Klerk, Rupert and white monopoly capitalist­s is nothing new. I do however look forward to something new from you. It seems that most of what you have to say is a direct copy and paste of what other people have said about your dad or the Guptas.

I don’t recall you having anything to say about the mentioned group before the Nkandla and State Capture Reports. I don’t recall you having anything to say about Sipho Pityana before he shared his own views on your dad’s presidency. Hence the copy and paste. If someone says ABC about your dad, you then release a statement saying ABC about that person.

Being a father myself, I certainly would not be so cowardly as to expect my child to fight my fights for me. I certainly would not allow my child to verbally attack and insult fellow members of government with whom I work with daily. Regardless of any conflict I may have with them.

I also note that your problem is with white monopoly capitalist­s. You clearly don’t have a problem with black or Indian capitalist­s. This way of thinking is not new in our country.

The Nats continuous­ly used skin colour as a reference in their statements. I’ve never understood why you protect the Guptas who have become SA capitalist­s in such a short space of time.

Would you not have preferred that thousands of South Africans who suffered under apartheid and fought against apartheid to have benefited the way the Guptas have? Maybe I’m wrong, maybe the Guptas suffered under apartheid and fought against apartheid. Or maybe they only arrived in SA in 1993. Really, Atul Gupta is listed as the seventth richest man in SA, ahead of Rupert and Patrice Motsepe, and you are all fine with that.

To end I would like to share a quote with you. Maybe you can apply your mind to this quote.

“Become a full-time politician or shut up.” — Chris Felton, East Coast Resorts

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