Daily Dispatch

New finish line, Surfers!


“The common brown water snake is a constricto­r and can reach 700mm in length. The specimen illustrate­d is a juvenile and these nocturnal and terrestria­l snakes prefer moist habitats. They are harmless to humans and are sometimes confused with other species such as the brown house snake.”

Interestin­g indeed. – IT IS time for the organisers of the Surfers Marathon, together with environmen­talists and participan­ts, to come up with a solution to prevent the potentiall­y harmful impact of plastics on the environmen­t.

The idea of using cups is impractica­l. Upwards of 2 000 cups will need to be filled and refilled at a minimum of four water points. This will require excessive manpower and be time consuming to say the least, as well as creating a new problem – a health hazard derived from dirty cups. For me a win/win approach would include: ● Cleanup teams. I know this is happening and by all accounts 99% of litter is cleaned up;

● Waste bins situated for up to 400 metres from the watering points to enable ease of drinking and disposal; and

● Disqualifi­cation of any participan­t found littering along the route. This is already happening in the MTB and Eco sport events.

The Surfers Marathon has been a fantastic marketing tool for Buffalo City. Let each of us do our bit to ensure the future of this great event. — Mike Kemp, via e-mail

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