Daily Dispatch

Armed robbers attack staff at health centre


A NURSE and two security guards were seriously hurt by three armed robbers at the Elliotdale Health Centre during the early hours yesterday.

Eastern Cape health spokesman Sizwe Kupelo condemned the attack saying it could have serious repercussi­ons for patients who flock to clinics to get medical treatment.

“We are afraid that we are going to have staff refusing to work in the evenings or in areas where there is danger,” he said.

“Such acts should be condemned in the strongest possible terms as they rob the community of the right to healthcare and this could result in patients dying or their health being compromise­d.”

The 24-hour health centre is located at the entrance of the town. At the time of the incident, which took place shortly after midnight, there were three security guards on duty. Two were at the gate and the third was stationed inside the facility.

According to government policy health centres are gun-free zones, meaning the guards were not carrying firearms.

Kupelo said the robbers had entered the facility pretending to be patients who needed healthcare.

“They were directed by the [two] guards to go in and they proceeded towards the trauma area where there was one nurse working.”

They held the nurse at gunpoint and marched her to the security guards. They were reportedly violent and managed to overpower the guards.

“The [robbers] demanded keys to state vehicles at the hospital. The guards sustained serious head injuries as they were assaulted with firearms,” he added.

Kupelo said they fled the health centre after the security company deployed a reaction unit.

The incident comes less than three weeks after nurses were held up at gunpoint by armed robbers in a clinic in KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth.

Kupelo called on communitie­s and the police to help prevent the growing trend of attacks in clinics.

“This is a sad new developmen­t. It is way beyond the resources of the department and it requires a vigorous community response,” he said.

Police spokesman Major Zamukulung­isa Jozana said three cellphones had been taken by the robbers during the attack. R20 was taken from one of the nurses. No arrests have yet been made. Jozana appealed to the community to come forward with informatio­n. —

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