Daily Dispatch

Mogoeng break-in sets stage for wide clamp on freedoms


WE DO not know who broke into Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s offices. We are unlikely to know because most crimes of this nature go unsolved in South Africa. But we should worry. We should worry because we have seen this script before, in many other parts of the world where states are captured by corrupt elites, and it’s ugly.

We should worry because first, in these captured states, they get intelligen­ce operatives to break into judges’ offices. It is not to steal anything much: not valuables or informatio­n or anything similar. This is merely to intimidate the judges, to make them remember and realise that, “We know where you live and what you do”. Then they move against them, perhaps through an investigat­ion or something similar.

While they put the screws on the judiciary, other wings of the dirty state focus on the media. They call for a media tribunal. They allege that the media is in the pay of rich elites. They invent new enemies – capitalist media, unpatrioti­c elements or some such. The intelligen­ce ministry starts talking about foreign forces infiltrati­ng local media. The term “in the national interest” is bandied about. A bill winds its way through parliament to ensure “national security” and these NGOs. They start pointing at “foreign forces”, which are allegedly hellbent on destroying the state. They start preparing legislatio­n to muzzle NGOs or to make them jump through incredible hoops before they are registered.

The political opposition is accused of working for “imperialis­t forces”. Opposition leaders are manhandled in parliament. Personnel who are unknown and unidentifi­ed walk into parliament with weapons. Men in police uniform stand menacingly at the door of the house of the representa­tives of the people. Does it sound familiar to you? It should. It is what happens in Russia, where independen­t judges no longer exist, where journalist­s are jailed, where activists are detained without trial, where lawyers die at the hands of the KGB’s successor the FSB.

It happens in Zimbabwe, where independen­t journalist­s have been driven into exile, where NGOs are banned, where the judiciary is cowed, where the Central Intelligen­ce Organisati­on rules by fear. It is where Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe’s opposition leader, was detained and tortured for months on end. It is here where activist Itai Dzamara has been abducted, and “disappeare­d”.

The judiciary in South Africa has been one of those institutio­ns that makes you smile and feel proud to be a son or daughter of this soil.

When this government failed to give its own poor people antiretrov­iral drugs, it was the judiciary that ordered President Thabo Mbeki to provide them.

When President Zuma and his government opened our borders to the murderer of 300 000 of his own people, Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, it was the judiciary that stopped him in his tracks.

When Zuma failed to uphold the Constituti­on on the Nkandla matter, it was the judiciary that stopped him.

When student leader Bonginkosi Khanyile was held without trial and explanatio­n for months on end it was to the Constituti­onal Court that the EFF turned to get him some justice. Last Friday it was again the Concourt which stood up for the poor and ordered action to ensure social grants are paid on April 1.

Vladimir Putin, the president and strongman of Russia, is one of Jacob Zuma’s heroes on the global stage today. When Zuma was ill a few years ago, he rushed to Russia for treatment and allegedly spent some time at the prime minister’s dacha. It is Russia’s Rosatom which signed agreements with South Africa for a nuclear build programme.

Zuma is a former spy chief. Putin came to power straight from the KGB. After eight years in power, Putin installed a proxy (Dmitry Medvedev) in office for four years. Then he returned to power again in 2012. Zuma is breaking the ANC’s rules in his bid to get his proxy, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, into power.

Politicall­y, there is nothing that is happening in South Africa today that we haven’t seen before. This is the Russia playbook unfurling right before our very eyes. State-owned enterprise­s and ministers such as Des van Rooyen and Mosebenzi Zwane do the bidding of Zuma’s paymasters, the Gupta family, in the sort of daylight corruption that would not be allowed in a functionin­g democracy anywhere else in the world.

Securocrat­s such as David Mahlobo get away with conspiracy theories based on paranoia. Incompeten­ts who bow and scrape like Bathabile Dlamini stay in office and in power.

So we might not know who broke into the Chief Justice’s office, but we do know within which context the crime was committed. And we should worry, because the smell leads all the way to the office of the man who does not want to go to trial on 783 counts of fraud, corruption and racketeeri­ng.

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