Daily Dispatch

UDM threatens to block vote of no confidence

Party wants to wait for secret ballot ruling


THE UDM has threatened to interdict next Tuesday’s vote on the motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma pending the Constituti­onal Court’s pronouncem­ent on its bid to have the matter decided on by secret ballot.

The DA, which is the sponsor of the motion of no confidence, has also written to national assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete requesting a postponeme­nt on similar grounds.

The Concourt yesterday ordered all parties intending to oppose the UDM’s applicatio­n for an order on the secret ballot to file their opposing papers by the end of business on Friday April 21.

United Democratic Movement leader Bantu Holomisa said he had already instructed his lawyers to write to Mbete, requesting a postponeme­nt of the much-anticipate­d special sitting on April 18 until the matter had been finalised by the Concourt.

Holomisa said should Mbete reject his request, the UDM would seek an urgent court order to interdict next week’s special sitting that has been convened on an urgent basis, with MPs recalled from their Easter recess.

The UDM is asking the Concourt to decide whether the motion should be decided by a secret ballot, arguing it should be allowed as the president was elected by MPs in this fashion. They approached the highest court in the land after Mbete rejected their request for a secret ballot.

Holomisa said the urgency of the motion of no confidence motion needed to be “sacrificed” in order to get clarity on the secret ballot issue “once and for all”.

Moloto Mothapo, the spokesman for parliament, has however said the debate would not be postponed “unless the sponsor decides to withdraw the motion”. The motion of no confidence is sponsored by the DA and it has been joined by the EFF.

DA leader Mmusi Maimane has also written to Mbete, requesting that the motion debate be held back until there was clarity from the court.

“It is important to allow the Constituti­onal Court the time to determine whether the motion can be conducted by secret ballot, as we believe that this would materially affect the outcome of the vote itself.

“As soon as a decision is taken, the motion must be debated before the Assembly as soon as possible,” he said.

Mothapo said Mbete was not opposing Holomisa’s court bid but differed with him on whether she had powers to determine if MPs could deal with the motion via the secret ballot.

“With regard to whether motions of this nature ought to be conducted by way of a secret vote, the speaker holds no position on the matter. Where the speaker and the UDM disagree is in relation to the powers of the speaker under the Constituti­on to make such a determinat­ion.”

Mothapo reiterated that a Western Cape High court ruling in 2015 in the Agang matter made it clear there was no provision in the Constituti­on or the rules of Parliament for motions to be voted on by secret ballot.

However, professor of constituti­onal law at the University of Cape Town, Pierre de Vos, said new rules adopted by the National Assembly last year gave Mbete much more power.

“Because the rules have changed, the speaker’s assertion that she has no discretion [to order a vote of no confidence] is false. The new rules say she has discretion.”

De Vos said the Concourt was unlikely to dictate to parliament how to manage its internal arrangemen­ts.

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