Daily Dispatch

UN imposes new sanctions on N Korea


THE US and China piled new pressure on North Korea yesterday to abandon its nuclear missile programme after the UN Security Council approved tough new sanctions which could cost Pyongyang $1-billion (R13.4-billion) a year.

One day after council members voted unanimousl­y for a partial ban on exports aimed at slashing Pyongyang’s foreign revenue by a third, top diplomats from the key powers in the dispute met in Manila.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he was encouraged by the vote, but officials warned that Washington would closely watch China – North Korea’s biggest trade partner – to ensure sanctions are enforced.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his North Korean counterpar­t Ri Hong-Yo before a major regional security forum being hosted by the 10-nation Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations.

He urged the North to halt its nuclear and ballistic missile tests.

“It will help the DPRK to make the right and smart decision,” Wang said after talks with Ri – referring to the sanctions and to Ri’s presence in Manila. Pyongyang’s top envoy has so far avoided the media in Manila. But in a characteri­stically fiery editorial before the latest sanctions were approved, the North’s ruling party newspaper Rodong Sinmun warned against US aggression.

“The day the US dares tease our nation with a nuclear rod and sanctions, the mainland US will be catapulted into an unimaginab­le sea of fire,” it said.

Tillerson was due to meet Wang and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov later yesterday, seeking to intensify Kim Jong-Un’s diplomatic isolation and reduce the risk of renewed conflict.

“It was a good outcome,” Tillerson said of the UN vote, before a meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Wha.

Senior US envoy Susan Thornton said Washington was “still going to be watchful” on the implementa­tion of sanctions, cautioning that previous votes had been followed by China “slipping back”.

But she added China’s support for the UN resolution “shows that they realise this is a huge problem that they need to take on”.

The urgency of the situation was underlined by President Donald Trump’s national security adviser H R McMaster, who told MSNBC news that the US leader was reviewing plans for a “preventive war”.

“He said he’s not going to tolerate North Korea being able to threaten the US,” McMaster said. “It’s intolerabl­e from the president’s perspectiv­e. So of course, we have to provide all options to do that. And includes a military option.”

Saturday’s UN resolution banned exports of coal, iron and iron ore, lead and lead ore, as well as fish and seafood by the cashstarve­d state.

If fully implemente­d, it would strip North Korea of a third of its export earnings – estimated to total $3-billion (R40.3-billion) per year despite successive rounds of sanctions since the North’s first nuclear test in 2006.

The resolution also prevents North Korea from increasing the number of workers it sends abroad. Their earnings are another source of foreign currency for Kim’s regime.

It prohibits all new joint ventures with North Korea, bans new investment in current joint companies and adds nine North Korean officials and four entities, including the North’s main foreign exchange bank, to the UN sanctions blacklist.

Trump hailed the vote – saying in a tweet that the sanctions will have a “very big financial impact!” – and thanked Russia and China for backing a measure that either could have halted with their UN veto.

The US began talks on a resolution with China a month ago, after Pyongyang launched its first interconti­nental ballistic missile on July 4, followed by a second ICBM test on July 28.

But the measure does not provide for cuts to oil deliveries as initially proposed by the US – a move that would have dealt a serious blow to the North’s economy.

China accounts for 90% of trade with North Korea, and Beijing’s attitude to its volatile neighbour will be crucial to the success or failure of the new sanctions regime. — AFP that

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