Daily Dispatch

Along with spring comes hayfever too


FROM itchy and dry eyes to irritable noses, the blossoming flowers of spring bring with them an array of allergic reactions caused by season changes.

Even though winter boots and scarves are still out, spring is around the corner and allergy season is about to kick off.

The biggest spring allergy trigger is pollen. Trees, grass and weeds release these tiny grains into the air to fertilise other plants. When they get into the nose of someone who is allergic to pollen, they send the body into defence mode.

But not all pollens cause allergic symptoms. The more brightly coloured the plant the less likely the chance of it causing allergies.

According to the Allergy Foundation of South Africa, a third of South Africans will suffer from some allergic disease during their life. And 40% of allergy sufferers are children.

On its website, the foundation says allergic rhinitis is a common condition where there is swelling and inflammati­on in the lining of the nose. It is sometimes called hayfever and the persistent form called “sinusitis”.

“Many people with hayfever suffer badly from their symptoms, but do not get help as they have just got used it.

“Allergic rhinitis is not a trivial disease. Uncontroll­ed allergic rhinitis affects quality of life and limits children’s ability to learn and adult’s opportunit­y to work to their best ability,” the foundation says.

Some of the most common symptoms include the following: ● Itching; ● blocked nose; ● runny nose; is sometimes ● sneezing; ● itchy eyes, ears or palate ● red eyes; ● sore throat and ● coughing. The foundation further says nasal sprays containing an anti-inflammato­ry called corticoste­roid are the best treatment for all the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Antihistam­ines are also a great way of treating the allergic reactions.

Allergyexp­ert.co.za says sufferers should avoid grass cuttings and direct exposure to flowering trees or flowers. —

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