Daily Dispatch

Mayor panics over home intruder


THE mayor of Enoch Mgijima Lindiwe Gunuza-Nkwentsha fears for her life after a man was allegedly seen in her Top Town, Komani, home by a local security company on Saturday morning.

The unknown man was allegedly spotted by security guards in Gunuza-Nkwentsha’s house at 2am on Saturday. They tried to catch him but he managed to get away without them getting any details of his identity.

Gunuza-Nkwentsha, who was not in the house at the time, won’t be opening a case with the police.

She said: “The suspect fled and no one knows him, so I decided not to open a case with the police.”

This incident happened a few weeks after Enoch Mgijima council’s finance portfolio head Madoda Papiyana was allegedly attacked by unknown men near his home. He had to be taken to hospital. Gunuza-Nkwentsha said she feared for her life.

She said: “I don’t know who that man was and the fact that he can come to my house early in the morning shows that my life is in danger,” she said.

She said: “I do have people who don’t want me and I might be an enemy to some but I am not aware of that. This incident makes me suspect that there is something following me and I have to be careful taking into considerat­ion the killing of the Raymond Mhlaba Municipali­ty speaker [Thozama Njobe].”

Last year, Gunuza-Nkwentsha and her family narrowly escaped death when their Tarkastad home caught fire, burning everything leaving the family with only clothes they were wearing.

Weeks after that fire, another house which belonged to GunuzaNkwe­ntsha in Tarkastad burnt down.

No one was arrested and police are still investigat­ing.

“After the two incidents where I lost my two houses and now this I can say that there is something to be worried about.

“I have a family and I am not only fearing for my life alone, but that of my whole family,” said GunuzaNkwe­ntsha.

She said she did not report the matter to the police as she did not know who to accuse.

With the current municipal strike in the municipali­ty and the factions within the ANC, GunuzaNkwe­ntsha did not want to blame anyone for the incident. the the

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