Daily Dispatch

Prizes galore in Nal’ibali’s ‘Story Bosso’ competitio­n


IN commemorat­ion of Literacy Month, Nal’ibali – the national reading-for-enjoyment campaign – is encouragin­g a wave of storytelli­ng across the country with its third annual multilingu­al storytelli­ng contest, “Story Bosso”.

The campaign will host storytelli­ng performanc­es and events across the country for the month and invites members of the public, young and old, to join by telling traditiona­l stories they remember being told, or have fun making up new ones.

“Many of our traditiona­l stories, historical­ly told by grandparen­ts around fires, feature characters such as the jackal and the hare, wise old men and greedy giants,” Nal’ibali managing director, Jade Jacobsohn says. To help children and adults remember these special stories, Nal’ibali has created a set of storytelli­ng playing cards featuring common folktale characters, settings and objects.

Together with more than 8 000 children’s story books by local authors featuring folktales and other family-friendly stories, these story cards will be distribute­d and given away at community events.

They are also freely available for download from Nal’ibali’s weband mobisites for the month.

South Africa’s best-loved storytelle­r, Gcina Mhlophe, told one of her favourite folktales to children in Soweto and was joined by comedian, Marc Lottering.

Soweto-based master storytelle­r, Bongani Godide, also added local flavour to the event.

Regional storytelli­ng events in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and the Western Cape will be supported by storytelle­rs Sindiwe Magona, Hluma Zakaza, Hlobisile Mkhize, Mpumy Ndlovu and Nolubabalo Rani who will be enchanting children and adults alongside Nal’ibali storytelle­rs, Sanelisiwe Ntuli, Madoda Ndlakuse and Thanduxolo Mkoyi.

A main prize of R5 000 cash, R1 000 book voucher, R500 airtime and a Story Bosso cap will be awarded to one overall Story Bosso winner.

Submit entries until September 30 as audio or video clips online on the campaign’s website ( www.nalibali. ), mobisite ( www.nalibali. Facebook page (NalibaliSA), to info@nalibali.org or via Nal’ibali’s WhatsApp line: 076920-6413. — DDC

 ?? Picture: DANIEL BORN ?? TELLING STORIES: Gcina Mhlope and Marc Lottering at the Nal’ibali Story Bosso launch at the Soweto Theatre
Picture: DANIEL BORN TELLING STORIES: Gcina Mhlope and Marc Lottering at the Nal’ibali Story Bosso launch at the Soweto Theatre

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