Daily Dispatch

Flowers to brighten your world


SEPTEMBER is the bright and vibrant start of the Spring season. It’s a time of new growth, new life and refreshmen­t.

Sunflowers are the theme of the Sunflower Funds national campaign “Sunflower Day”, celebrated on September 15 this year. The organisati­on will sell “Tube of Hope (TOPEs)” new-style bandannas for R25 to support those fighting chronic blood conditions like Leukaemia.

hooks Sunflower seeds Bonemeal/superphosp­hate (do not use bonemeal if you have dogs) Wooden planter box (optional) Weed barrier cloth (if using a planter box) Glue (optional) Mini chalkboard Some chalk A tree with a nice straight branch

Firstly, you need to decide whether or not you will be making a wooden box to sow your sunflowers in. If making up the wooden box from scratch, cut plastic sheeting or weed barrier cloth to fit snugly inside the box (parents, please help with this)

Cut holes in the bottom of this box and layer drainage stones. Top the stones with a mixture of potting mix and bonemeal.

Get your kiddies to poke holes in the soil for your sunflower seeds, showing them to space the seeds 15cm apart. No matter where you sow your seeds, ensure that you use some bonemeal, compost and/or potting mix so that your plants grow strong and glow with colour.

Once your kids have sown the sunflower seeds in the soil, cover them up with soil. Remember to give them a good watering.

Now, it’s time to move your planter box on top of a wooden table, with the frame attached to the branch using the hooks.

Get your little ones to write their names on the chalkboard and ask them to hold the chalkboard behind the frame, next to the sunflowers. Then get your kids to pose behind the frame for some nice pictures.

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