Daily Dispatch

Tough Sole Destroyer 21 a thorough test of your soul


ONE of East London’s premier runs is ready to be battled out when the 25th annual Caltex Sole Survivor takes place next week Sunday.

Hosted by Oxford Striders, the race is named after legendary East London runner Chris Sole and traverses his favourite tracks from his days as a champion schoolboy runner, over the half-marathon route as well as the 9km Sole Teaser.

A media launch for the race was held at Oxford Striders this past Wednesday, where Oxford Striders chairman Dillon Pretorius welcomed everyone with the race slogan “Don’t Let it Break You”, which summed up the challenge, with the first half run on dirt roads, with several challengin­g hill climbs and descents leading to the aptlynamed Heart Break Hill at 7.5km into the race.

“At 12.5km athletes are confronted with a leg jarring descent followed by a relatively flat and fast section through East London’s suburbs until at 18.5km they reach the final sting in the tail, the climb up Willasdale Drive,” said Pretorius.

Caltex Eastern Cape Marketer (CECM) have been involved in the event for the past 11 years, contributi­ng to its growth from a small race to one of the biggest on the annual EL running calendar.

“Our support is aimed at giving athletes a profession­ally-organised and enjoyable race experience and at making sure that their families and supporters have a great day out,” said CECM chief executive Clive Berlyn, who is himself an avid runner.

“We are thrilled to see how the organisers have embraced our partnershi­p and that we have been able to contribute to growing this event to its current premier stature.”

The Sole Destroyer gets under way from Smithfield Street in Cambridge at 6.30am next week Sunday and finishes at Oxford Striders.

The 9km Sole Teaser starts at 7am, finishing at Oxford Striders.

Entries, at R100 and R70 respective­ly, close Tuesday next week.

You can enter online at www.myactive.co.za or collect an entry form at selected Caltex Service Stations in and around East London.

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