Daily Dispatch

Where is Blade’s defence?


OUR country is at a crossroads, not necessaril­y as a result of Blade Nzimande’s removal from cabinet by President Jacob Zuma, but because of leadership recklessne­ss in the ANC and a pathologic­al desperatio­n of the opposition to acquire power at all costs.

This unfortunat­e political scenario is very dangerous for ordinary citizens who must by now be bewildered as they watch their leaders at each others’ throats after having voted them in to serve.

Perhaps it was against a similar background that Rex Warner wrote about ancient Roman political vicissitud­es: “In my day, human society, if regarded from the point of view of morality, has compared unfavourab­ly with any congregati­on of savage animals, such as a pack of wolves.”

The removal of Nzimande simply causes the situation to deteriorat­e, especially when the president clumsily leaves the nation to speculate on the reasons for his decisions.

If there is seriousnes­s and commitment to the unity of the ANC, how does this bode for the December conference ?

As Nzimande’s foes seek to devour him as failure who could not deliver his political mandate, not even Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize will resolve tertiary education’s woes that inspired the FeesMustFa­ll campaign.

Nzimande should therefore not worry about character vilificati­on which is simply a vendetta and mainly ridicules the Marxist-Leninist ideology he represents.

Perhaps it is his opportunit­y to reveal to the nation, without shame or fear of populist labels, what he has managed to accomplish in his tenure, and provide reasons that will make sense to those who are rational about the developmen­t of this country.

Also reveal whether he represente­d the communist agenda well in government, especially in the very hostile political context.

Is this political punishment against Nzimande for opposing issues which the SACP believes are against the spirit of transforma­tional agenda?

And where are those revolution­ary theorists who profess allegiance to the alliance to tell the president never to ignore the character of the ANC whenever he uses his constituti­onal prerogativ­e to reshuffle? — Tony Cyril Mtintsilan­a, via e-mail


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