Daily Dispatch

Zimbabwe takeover is legal – court

Expert warns it may set dangerous precedent of ‘legalising’ a coup


ACOURT in Zimbabwe has ruled that the military takeover which led to Robert Mugabe’s dramatic ousting was legal, raising concerns on Saturday about the rule of law under the country’s new administra­tion.

A minister in Mugabe’s last government also appeared in court on corruption charges after he was handcuffed and blindfolde­d, allegedly by soldiers, for eight days before being handed to police.

Triggering the end of Mugabe’s reign, army chiefs put military vehicles on the streets of Harare on November 14 and placed the 93-yearold leader under house arrest before he eventually resigned on Tuesday.

Many Zimbabwean­s have celebrated the end of Mugabe’s 37-year rule, but fear a new government under President Emmerson Mnangagwa could also be an authoritar­ian regime.

“Actions by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces to stop the usurping of power by those close to former president Robert Mugabe are constituti­onal,” state-run ZBC media reported the High Court as saying.

In an apparent reference to Mug wife Grace and her supporters, it said the court ruled on Friday that the takeover was “to ensure the non-elected individual­s” did not exercise power.

Grace was alleged to have positioned herself to be Mugabe’s chosen successor, prompting the military to intervene and usher in its preferred candidate Mnangagwa.

“The court has endorsed the military’s interpreta­tion that it is permissibl­e and lawful for it to intervene in the affairs of the executive,” Zimbabwean legal expert Alex Magaisa wrote on Saturday.

“This is a dangerous precedent which places the government at risk from the power wielded by the military. In the extreme form it is tantamount to legalising a coup.”

On Saturday, Ignatius Chombo, the last finance minister under Mugabe’s government, appeared in court in Harare – the first Mugabe loyalist to face charges.

Chombo, seen as an ally of Grace Mugabe, told judges that armed men in uniform had detained and questioned him for several days at an unknown location where he was criticised for his role in government.

He has been remanded in custody until today on fraud charges dating from 2004 to 2009, when he held a different ministeria­l role.

Mnangagwa, 75, was sworn in as president on Friday, vowing sweeping changes and new policies to attract foreign investment to revive the moribund economy.

He also used his inaugurati­on speech to pay tribute to the increasing­ly frail Mugabe, describing him as one of the “founding fathers of our nation”.

Mnangagwa is a long-time veteran of the ruling Zanu-PF party and was until recently one of Mugabe’s closest allies.

Alongside another court ruling that Mugabe’s earlier sacking of Mnangagwa as vice president was illegal, Human Rights Watch’s regional director questioned the courts’ independen­ce.

“Strange, captured judiciary?” Dewa Mavhinga wrote on Twitter.

Mnangagwa took the oath of office at the national sports stadium on the outskirts of Harare before thousands of cheering supporters, dignitarie­s and foreign diplomats.

The army has warned that criminals had been impersonat­ing soldiers during the political turmoil to extort money from the public and it called on all to obey the law.

Mugabe’s iron grip on power, since Zimbabwe’s independen­ce in 1980, ended on Tuesday when his resignatio­n letter was delivered to a special parliament­ary session where previously-loyal Zanu-PF lawmakers had convened to impeach him.

Mugabe is expected to remain in Zimbabwe and the government has promised to provide him and his family “maximum security and welfare”, according to state media. — AFP

 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? PROMISING CHANGE: Zimbabwe’s new president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has vowed to bring about sweeping changes to revive the economy, and his wife Auxillia wave to their supporters as they leave after the swearing in ceremony in Harare, Zimbabwe, on...
Picture: REUTERS PROMISING CHANGE: Zimbabwe’s new president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has vowed to bring about sweeping changes to revive the economy, and his wife Auxillia wave to their supporters as they leave after the swearing in ceremony in Harare, Zimbabwe, on...

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