Daily Dispatch

Tomato Trot ideal preparatio­n for beach challenge


THE running season got off to a reasonable start last weekend and it is predicted that it will gather momentum in both numbers at races and performanc­es.

Ahead of the Discovery Surfers Challenge there are a number of events that those who wish to race from Kwelera to Nahoon on February 24 can use to hone their physical readiness.

The most obvious prep race could be the Buco Tomato Trot on February 3. It comes exactly three weeks before Surfers.

The advantages are that it is run at roughly the same time of day and thus in the heat and humidity of a normally balmy summer’s afternoon.

The route may not offer soft sand and other unique-styled Surfers under footing, but is run largely on gravel, slightly uneven surfaces and has hills to strengthen one for the beaches of Surfers.

The 15km distance is not dissimilar to the 17.5 of the traditiona­l Surfers.

The bottom line is that if you can master Tomato Trot you can run, complete and most likely do rather well at East London’s favourite and most popular community event, what was once called the Surfers Marathon.


Two week’s back we took a look at the Surfers route from the start to Sunrise-on-Sea.

We have since undertaken a recce from Sunrise to Gonubie River.

The stretch to Rainbow Valley is easily doable. Soft sand yes, some rocky areas yes, but most is easily negotiable.

There are areas where a path has been worn closest to the vegetation, albeit that the path is mostly single file and not conducive to making quick headway.

It is when you get close to Rainbow Valley that the real fun starts and rocky terrain starts demanding serious respect.

If you know it is coming, you do some preparatio­n for such under footing and keep a cool head and sense of humour, it will be a doddle.

So while time will be lost from Rainbow Valley to Gonubie River, the good news is that the tides will be favourable and Gonubie River will be a welcome respite from some tough running.

Next week we’ll look at the run through Gonubie. For many it is the highlight of Surfers.

In the interim I repeat that it is absolutely a great idea to train on the sand, train in the heat of day a couple of times a week, and run hills at least once a week.

There is only one hill on Surfers but hill training will strengthen a runner for the soft sand sections. And they are numerous.

Last week we shared the fact that Hanlie Botha presents weekly training sessions, often with her running friend, Rachel Petersen.

The sessions are carefully constructe­d and part of a broader coaching system that Botha subscribes to. Hockey Astra Turf, Thursdays at 5:30pm.

Do they work? Well, Botha won the PWC 10km race last Friday in emphatic fashion and after a lengthy lay-off. I believe they work.

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