Daily Dispatch

U-turn on Maldives court ruling


THE Maldives president yesterday welcomed a Supreme Court move to reinstate the conviction­s of high-profile political prisoners after he arrested two top judges and declared a state of emergency, plunging the upmarket holiday paradise into chaos.

President Abdulla Yameen attracted internatio­nal censure for his refusal to comply with last week’s shock Supreme Court order to release his jailed political opponents and to quash the conviction of Mohamed Nasheed.

Exiled opposition leader Nasheed has said he will run against Yameen in presidenti­al elections due later this year, and the court’s ruling had appeared to pave the way for his return to the honeymoon islands.

But late on Tuesday the remaining three judges reinstated his controvers­ial 2015 terrorism conviction and reversed their earlier order to free eight other political prisoners.

A statement on Yameen’s website yesterday said his administra­tion welcomed the court’s Uturn, which the judges had said was made “in light of the concerns raised by the president”.

The worsening political turmoil has led several countries to warn against travel to the country, which depends heavily on tourism, at the peak of the holiday season.

The 15-day state of emergency imposed earlier this week gives the government sweeping powers to arrest and detain individual­s and curtails the powers of the judiciary and the legislatur­e.

Maldives Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and another judge were arrested at dawn on Tuesday after security forces stormed the court complex in the capital Male.

In a televised address to the nation hours later, Yameen said the judges were part of a plot to overthrow him.

“I had to declare a national emergency because there was no other way to investigat­e these judges,” he said.

“We had to find out how thick the plot or coup was.”

Yameen has had almost all the political opposition jailed since he came to power, in an escalating crackdown on dissent.

This week the president ordered the arrest of his estranged half-brother, former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who last year sided with the opposition.

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