Daily Dispatch

Cosby conviction may be pivotal moment


THE conviction of cultural icon turned national pariah Bill Cosby on sexual assault charges was a bitter-sweet victory for advocates of women making similar charges against powerful men in Hollywood, the media and elsewhere.

And they hope it will lead to more such conviction­s amid the groundswel­l of allegation­s that have come forward since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke late last year.

“I think now there is tremendous awareness of how these crimes have been covered up and papered over for the years,” US District Attorney Kevin Steele said after the jury convicted the comedian on Thursday, six months after the emergence of the #MeToo movement of women who suffered sexual mistreatme­nt by men.

“And all women that are out there standing up and telling their truth, I, we, support them and encourage them to keep it up,” said Steele.

Cosby’s first trial ended last June with a hung jury, hopelessly deadlocked after 52 hours of deliberati­ons. The 80-year-old’s conviction in the first celebrity courtroom battle of the #MeToo era “is a notice to sexual predators everywhere”, said the National Organisati­on for Women.

“Thank you society for waking up,” tweeted Rose McGowan, who was among the first actresses to accuse Weinstein, a powerful producer, of sexual abuse in the wave that ultimately brought him crashing down.

In recent years many powerful men in America have been accused of sexual assault. But few have actually been charged, even if the number of probes has soared with the #MeToo movement. Weinstein’s is the most flagrant case. He has been accused of abuses ranging from harassment to rape by more than 100 women since October. But he has not been charged.

Weinstein’s lawyer, Ben Brafman, has said his client never engaged in non-consensual sex. But pressure on prosecutor­s in New York is growing, and they have beefed up their team of investigat­ors.

Other celebritie­s from other areas have also been accused of sexual misconduct, including the actor Kevin Spacey, Metropolit­an Opera director James Levine, and, in France, the Franco-Swiss theologian Tariq Ramadan. Most have been forced to resign or humiliated out of public life.

But apart from Ramadan none of these men have been charged so far.

Cases are hard to carry forward. This is because of a lack of physical evidence of sexual assault, as in Cosby’s case, and court proceeding­s that depend largely on contradict­ory testimony from defendant and accuser.

Although some abuse victims might be encouraged by the Cosby verdict and the movement spawned by #MeToo, “there is still going to be hesitation for the victim to come forward because there is a feeling sometimes of shame”, said Julie Rendelman, a New York lawyer who has worked on several of these cases.

The Cosby verdict does not necessaril­y signal a trend, she said, as he was accused by dozens of women and of having a habitual way of operating – which is odd in this kind of offence even if it does apply to Weinstein.

Cosby could be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison. His lawyer has pledged to appeal, so the judge could leave him free on bail while awaiting a possible third trial.

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