Daily Dispatch

Be proud of your culture


THE hullabaloo about Masimanyan­e SSS at Ndakana (School choir’s naked stage dance shocks, DD May 29) refers.

The entire community of Masimanyan­e should be proud of themselves for revealing the calibre of leaders we have in our province.

It is a shame to assign a team to investigat­e an open cultural activity, amid all the genuine scandals in this province.

To the principal, staff, pupils and SGB members, I say carry on with your work and ignore those who appease their masters (foreign cultures).

Be proud you are black. When the team from the premier arrives, girls, put on your inkciyos and boys, you put on your amavotsho to teach the team a lesson on our culture.

Ndiyoyika ndifuna ukuthi zemka iinkomo magwala ndin [Dare I say don’t be cowards]! This is the time for all cultures to be applauded and respected. What a shame the pronouncem­ent from a respected office that a team is to be dispatched to investigat­e a cultural event.

Instead of rewarding the school for celebratin­g its roots. The premier has to apologise to the MEC for education, the school and the entire province. — Thangana ka Muluse, via e-mail

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