Daily Dispatch

Trump’s actions irk US officials


The White House on Monday threatened to strike back at critics of President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia by revoking the security clearances of six former US officials, drawing accusation­s that he was abusing his power and aiming to stifle dissent.

Trump has targeted the former US intelligen­ce and lawenforce­ment officials, White House spokeswoma­n Sarah Sanders said, because they have “politicise­d and in some cases monetised their public service and security clearances, making baseless accusation­s of improper contact with Russia or being influenced by Russia.”

Among them is John Brennan, who headed the CIA under Trump’s predecesso­r Barack Obama and was one of the most vocal critics of Trump’s performanc­e at his summit last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. After Trump gave credence to Putin’s denial of meddling in the 2016 US election despite findings by the US intelligen­ce community, Brennan called the Republican president’s remarks “nothing short of treasonous”.

Trump’s threat against Brennan and former US officials James Comey, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Susan Rice and Andrew McCabe represente­d an extraordin­ary politicisa­tion of the US government’s security clearance process. Critics called it petty and unpreceden­ted.

“An enemies list is ugly, undemocrat­ic and un-American. Is there no length Trump will not go to stifle opposition?” asked US Representa­tive Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee.

Sanders, who said Trump is “exploring the mechanisms” to remove the security clearances, made reference to Brennan’s treason comment in explaining the president’s threat.

Asked if Trump was punishing the former officials because of their criticism, Sanders said, “No, I think you are creating your own story there.”

Trump came under criticism after Helsinki, including from many fellow Republican­s. One of the few who publicly sided with him last week, Senator Rand Paul, said he met with Trump on Monday and asked him to revoke Brennan’s security clearance.

Many former US officials retain security clearances after leaving government service because they continue to advise their former agencies or because it is a condition of employment as government contractor­s or consultant­s. Stripping the clearances also would represent a public rebuke of the officials.

“Clearances are taken away for security violations, usually after an investigat­ion,” former deputy CIA director John McLaughlin said on Twitter. “These people do not talk classified publicly. It would be political punishment infringing on first amendment rights. It’s something Putin would do.”

Some of targeted officials appeared to no longer have security clearances. Comey, who Trump fired as FBI director last year, has said he does not have one, his friend Benjamin Wittes said on Twitter. Comey has become a prominent critic, calling Trump “morally unfit to be president”.

Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono was one of the fiercest critics, writing on Twitter, “This is what totalitari­anism looks like.”

Comey is one of the harshest critics, says Trump is morally unfit to be president


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