Daily Dispatch

Amathole residents urged to use water sparingly as drought lingers


The Amathole District Municipali­ty has asked residents to use water sparingly amid the persistent drought.

This comes just one week after the department of water and sanitation announced that dam levels had dropped by about 6.9%.

In a statement on Tuesday, the municipali­ty said it continued to experience drought conditions in some areas.

This included Bedford in Raymond Mhlaba and Dwesa in Mbhashe.

ADM mayor Nomfusi Winnie Nxawe said: “Although we are currently able to pump water from the Fish River pumping scheme to augment the water supply to Bedford, this system is notoriousl­y unreliable, with regular breakdowns causing water interrupti­ons to communitie­s. Ground water supply in Shixini village in Willowvale has dried up and the Nqabarha North scheme is unable to provide a reliable supply to its communitie­s.

“The situation is dire and we are earnestly requesting our communitie­s to continue to exercise caution and preservati­on of the little water resource they have.

“In addition, as a district we are pleading with our communitie­s to always keep [some] water on standby in the event of a water outage.”

ADM was in the process of drilling additional boreholes to supplement the existing one.

Department of water and sanitation spokespers­on Sputnik Ratau said the Amathole system, which has six dams that serve East London, had dropped from 89.5% to 82.6%.

ADM spokespers­on Noni Vuso said it was difficult to quantify how much it would cost to drill boreholes as it depended on the location of the borehole site. “However, it costs about R200,000 to drill a borehole.

“Equipping a borehole can cost anything between a couple of thousand to millions of rands,” Vuso said.

She said the municipali­ty had made numerous appeals, including requests for funds from the provincial disaster management centre from the drought disaster fund.

“Last year the ADM received R1.3m from co-operative governance and traditiona­l affairs after a disaster declaratio­n, and R30m through the water services infrastruc­ture grant,” she said.

The situation is dire ... preserve the little water you have ... keep some on standby

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