Daily Dispatch

Minister’s fall due to swagger, state capture

Ranjeni Munusamy Column


Former public enterprise­s minister Barbara Hogan said in her affidavit to the Zondo commission investigat­ing state capture that she was called to a meeting on October 31 2010 with then president Jacob Zuma and told the ANC national executive committee had decided to redeploy her as ambassador to Finland.

Then ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe was present at this meeting.

“I declined the redeployme­nt and informed them I would be resigning as a member of parliament,” Hogan states.

“I immediatel­y packed up my office and left the following day, requesting a handover meeting with the incoming minister, which is the norm in government. Minister [Malusi] Gigaba declined my request,” she said.

One wonders what was Gigaba’s thinking at the time.

This was a pivotal moment in his career, promoted from deputy minister of home affairs to minister of public enterprise­s. Despite the complexity of the portfolio, he was so cocksure that he did not think he needed a briefing about what was going on in the department.

Gigaba immediatel­y began installing Gupta acolytes in key state-owned enterprise­s to facilitate the capture project. Five weeks after his appointmen­t, the cabinet approved Gigaba’s recommenda­tions for the board of Transnet.

Hogan spelt it out as such in her affidavit: “Iqbal Sharma, a former business partner of Gupta associate Salim Essa, was on that list and was later appointed as head of the procuremen­t committee at Transnet.

“On February 16 2011, cabinet approved the appointmen­t of Brian Molefe as group CEO of Transnet and a little while later, [Siyabonga] Gama was reappointe­d as the CEO of TFR [Transnet Freight Rail] on the grounds that his misconduct had not been serious enough to warrant his dismissal.”

Gigaba’s influence in the Zuma administra­tion was dependent on how well he serviced the Gupta network. The capture of the state flourished while he was in charge of stateowned companies.

He tried to get Sharma appointed as Transnet chair and endorsed the promotion of Anoj Singh as chief financial officer.

At SAA, Gigaba delayed support for a turnaround strategy developed by the then board chair Cheryl Carolus. When Carolus resigned, Gigaba inflicted Dudu Myeni on the airline. Myeni plunged the national carrier into such a state of crisis that the damage now seems irreversib­le.

Gigaba’s career reached its climax when Zuma made him finance minister in 2017. Now he is politicall­y isolated, humiliated and teetering close to the precipice.

The only thing that might spare him is that the ANC remains in a dilemma about what to do with errant leaders whose scandals discredit the party.

In Gauteng, the ANC has disagreed with a recommenda­tion by its integrity commission that Qedani Mahlangu and Brian Hlongwa be suspended from party structures.

Mahlangu was implicated in the deaths of 144 mentally ill people, and Hlongwa was linked to corruption and fraud estimated at R1.2bn while he was health MEC.

The Gauteng ANC wants to keep Mahlangu and Hlongwa in its leadership structures, knowing this could be a deciding factor for people of good conscience to vote against the party in 2019.

Gigaba is also a dead weight to the ANC now. His ambitions to become president are in tatters and his position in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s government is increasing­ly untenable.

Gigaba is wading through a deluge of muck as his questionab­le conduct since becoming minister and his colourful personal life erupted like a backed-up sewer last week.

Public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane found that Gigaba violated the constituti­on and the executive ethics code when he told an “untruth under oath” in the Fireblade Aviation case. She asked Ramaphosa to take “appropriat­e disciplina­ry action” against Gigaba and report on this to the National Assembly within 14 days.

The Constituti­onal Court turned down Gigaba’s applicatio­n to appeal against a high court ruling that he lied under oath.

Unlike Nhlanhla Nene, who offered his resignatio­n as soon as a furore erupted over his concealed meetings with the Guptas, Gigaba appears to be clinging on by his fingernail­s.

The irony is that if Ramaphosa had axed him from the cabinet in February, along with the other Gupta stooges, Gigaba might have been spared the excruciati­ng shame of the past week.

As demeaning as it is to have his self-pleasuring home video widely distribute­d via social media, it is not the cause of his unravellin­g. It is the fact that eight years ago, his swagger and ambition induced him to become a chief enabler of state capture.

That is the reason for Gigaba’s spectacula­r and deserved public fall.

The capture of the state flourished while he was in charge of stateowned companies

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