Daily Dispatch

Huge job ahead of new NPA head, president

- Justice Malala

There are two South Africans who are going to need backbones of steel next year. They are President Cyril Ramaphosa and the National Prosecutin­g Authority’s new head, Shamila Batohi.

Batohi needs to take a near-destroyed NPA by the scruff of the neck, mend it and send lots of powerful people to jail – quickly. Ramaphosa must enable her to do her job.

If powerful players do not get charged next year then the idea that crime in South Africa pays will be entrenched. If that becomes the norm then we will be adrift; at sea without a compass. We will be lost.

There have to be consequenc­es for wrongdoing. The great American jurist and Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was asked in an interview in 2012 where Egyptians should look to for inspiratio­n as they wrote their post-revolution Constituti­on.

“I might look at the Constituti­on of South Africa,” said Ginsburg. “It really is, I think, a great piece of work that was done.”

Yet what use is our great Constituti­on when it is trampled upon so recklessly, so effortless­ly and so regularly, with no consequenc­e?

What use is it when it gives us so much space to expose malfeasanc­e, yet we fail to use it to ensure accountabi­lity?

We have known, as far back as 2010, that huge chunks of the South African state, and particular­ly the president at the time, serve a foreign family and their own pockets. We have had details of key personnel appointmen­ts being made not by the president of SA, but by this one family.

Yet not a single person has been charged, let alone appeared in court or convicted, for any of the heinous crimes emanating from this capture of the state.

The evidence is all there. In August 2011 the ANC’s national executive committee heard from a member of the Cabinet, Fikile Mbalula, that he was informed he had been elevated from a deputy ministry to the sports ministry. He was not informed by then-president Jacob Zuma but by the real powers in SA, the Gupta family.

We know his ANC comrades attacked him in that meeting, accusing him of ill-discipline, and told him to speak to the villain, Zuma, privately.

The evidence has piled up since then. Ministers have spoken. Opposition leaders have delivered chapter and verse on state capture by the Guptas. Ministers from Ngoako Ramatlhodi to Mcebisi Jonas and public servants like Themba Maseko and Phumla Williams have added detail and colour to the stories. The State Capture Commission has provided a torrent of further evidence.

No one is in jail. Not the perpetrato­rs, not the enablers. The message is that in South Africa you can get away with virtually anything.

Compare this non-action that stretches back eight years with what has happened in the US over the past two years.

President Donald Trump’s campaign and transition teams were accused of colluding with Russian agents to influence the 2016 presidenti­al election in the then Republican candidate’s favour.

Within months of the accusation­s Robert Mueller III was appointed to serve as special counsel to investigat­e the allegation­s. Mueller is a known Republican. Some would have expected him to shield Trump, the fellow Republican who appointed him to investigat­e.

Not a chance. Mueller continues to act for the USA rather than for the Republican­s. Mueller’s team has now charged five people closely connected with Trump with criminal offences. So far 35 Russians, as well as three Russian companies, have been charged with various crimes related to trying to influence the 2016 election.

Last week Mueller’s biggest scalp yet, Trump’s first national security adviser Michael Flynn, appeared in court for lying to federal investigat­ors about his compromisi­ng conversati­ons with the Russian ambassador during the presidenti­al transition. The judge who was to hand down sentence, Emmet G Sullivan, was incensed with Flynn, telling him: “All along you were an unregister­ed agent of a foreign country while serving as the national security adviser. Arguably you sold your country out.”

Trump is feeling the heat. He has called Mueller’s actions a “witch hunt” and abused him on Twitter. He realises that 2019 will be dominated by the possibilit­y of an impeachmen­t motion against him. The message here is simple: crime doesn’t pay. Actions have consequenc­es.

In SA we cannot just keep talking about eradicatin­g corruption when we don’t investigat­e, arrest or charge corrupt actors. The reason there is so much corruption in our country is because, by not acting against it swiftly and credibly, others jump on the bandwagon. In SA, crime pays.

It certainly has for those who captured and looted the state of billions of rands.

Good luck to Batohi.

Not a single person has been charged ... for any of the crimes of state capture

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