Daily Dispatch

Transgende­r females must halve testostero­ne levels


Female transgende­r athletes must lower their testostero­ne levels by half under new regulation­s introduced by the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Athletics Federation­s (IAAF), bringing the rules into line with those for hyperandro­genous competitor­s such as Caster Semenya.

Under the new eligibilit­y rules announced this week, transgende­r athletes are no longer required to be recogties nised by law in their new gender, but only need to provide a “signed declaratio­n” that they identify as female.

The IAAF Council, which met in Doha, in Qatar, approved rules that require the concentrat­ion of testostero­ne in a female transgende­r athlete to be less than five nanomoles per litre continuous­ly for a period of at least 12 months prior to being declared eligible.

Athletes must maintain their testostero­ne levels below the five-nanomole limit to keep their eligibilit­y to compete in the female category.

“Under the new regulation­s a transgende­r female athlete is no longer required to be recognised by law in her new gender but should provide a signed declaratio­n that her gender identity is female,” an IAAF statement said.

Similar rules apply to athletes who experience difference­s of sexual developmen­t (DSD), or hyperandro­genism, such as Semenya, South Africa’s double Olympic 800 metres champion who is currently ineligible to compete and was ruled out of this year’s world championsh­ips in Doha.

Semenya is taking legal action to try to reverse the current IAAF ruling. –

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