Daily Dispatch

PTSD affects a worryingly high number of youngsters


Many of us think post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a rare psychologi­cal problem.

In reality, PTSD can affect anyone — and, looking into the findings of a new study, the real surprise is that the number of people affected isn’t higher.

Stephanie Lewis and colleagues at King’s College London conducted in-depth interviews with 2,064 18-year-olds. They were asked about trauma exposure, risk events, functional impairment such as social isolation, and whether they’d suffered other psychopath­ology such as anxiety or depression.

The results are not encouragin­g. Nearly a third had been exposed to trauma, and nearly one in four of that group went on to develop PTSD, a disorder characteri­sed by recurrent intrusive memories and/or nightmares, avoidance of any reminders of the trauma, and persistent feelings of guilt, isolation, detachment, irritabili­ty, and/or an inability to concentrat­e.

Moreover, when Lewis compared rates of psychologi­cal disorder across the subgroups, she found those who’d experience­d trauma were twice as likely to develop other psychologi­cal problems as well.

Compared with individual­s who’d not experience­d trauma, PTSD sufferers were, for example, more than three times more likely to suffer a major depressive episode and six times more liable to self-harm. Yet fewer than a third had seen a mental health profession­al in the last year.

There’s no doubt we need to improve access to psychologi­cal services when so many young people are reporting trauma, yet so few have obtained profession­al help.

According to this study’s criteria (taken from the Diagnostic and Statistica­l Manual of Mental Disorders), trauma is defined as “exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence; either directly, as a witness, or by learning it happened to a loved one or friend”.

Given the vast amount of (often unregulate­d) informatio­n we can access digitally, this figure makes sense — indeed, it makes you wonder if it’s high enough.

If, therefore, you or a loved one experience trauma at some point, what can you do to avoid additional problems?

Create an atmosphere of acceptance and trust when you’re together. When the distressed person wants to talk, put aside your other activities and listen fully, non-judgmental­ly, and as calmly as you can. Encourage them, but try not to probe.

If you are the sufferer, seek someone you can trust who will listen in that same way. If you or the person you’re concerned about shows symptoms of PTSD, seek profession­al help, starting with your GP.

Both trauma and PTSD can be successful­ly treated using one of several psychother­apeutic approaches, sometimes accompanie­d by antidepres­sants.

The most effective treatments include trauma-focused cognitive behavioura­l therapy, eyemovemen­t desensitis­ation and reprocessi­ng (EMDR), or a promising new approach, 3MDR, which combines key elements of EMDR with asking sufferers to watch self-chosen images of their trauma while they walk on a treadmill.

 ?? Picture: 123RFF ?? DEPRESSED WOMAN: In need of help.
Picture: 123RFF DEPRESSED WOMAN: In need of help.

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