Daily Dispatch

BCM meter readers suspended

- MAMELA NDAMASE mamelan@dispatch.co.za

It is likely that high rates and services bills in BCM are linked to the suspension of more than 20 water meter readers.

The Dispatch has received numerous letters of complaint from readers about their accounts, and social media pages are flooded with gripes.

The meter readers were suspended over three months ago, but the matter remains unresolved. The SA Municipal Workers Union is demanding answers from the metro.

Frustrated ratepayer Lorraine Woodbridge, who wrote to the Dispatch this week, said: “I have phoned every number that BCM lists in attempts to establish when our water meters are going to be read. I received a water account at home yesterday for R7 114,59 — yet the meter was last read in March 2019. Our offices are near the airport, and that water meter was last read on 14 May 2019.”

Another ratepayer said when he asked why his bill had tripled, he was told the city estimated his water usage as there were no meter readers.

The man, who asked not to be named, said: “If there have been no water meter readers for months, that means the metro has been thumb-sucking the amounts it has been charging us. The December statement shows I was charged more than R3,000 on water alone.”

BCM acting spokespers­on Bathandwa Diamond said the metro has 54 meter readers.

Samwu said 26 workers had been suspended, but Diamond put the figure at 25. She remained tightlippe­d about the charges against the workers and how far the case was.

The Dispatch asked her why the metro was giving ratepayers estimated readings. “The credit control policy makes allowance for estimated readings to be charged when a meter reading cannot be obtained.

“Estimates are based on a period of previous actual consumptio­n. As soon as the next reading is obtained, the estimate will be reversed.”

Samwu regional secretary Zolani Ndlela said the union had written to Sihlahla to request a meeting.

Diamond said residents with complaints or queries could call the BCM call centre on 086-1113017.

Electronic queries can be sent to BillingQ@buffalocit­y.gov.za.

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