Daily Dispatch

Mayor tests positive for the coronaviru­s


Another Eastern Cape mayor has tested positive for the coronaviru­s.

OR Tambo district mayor Thokozile Sokanyile, who chairs the coronaviru­s district command council, was taken into isolation after contractin­g Covid-19, said mayoral spokespers­on Mntuwoxolo Ngudle yesterday.

The district authority has urged anyone who came into contact with Sokanyile to go for tests.

“All members of the mayoral committee, councillor­s, members of the multidisci­plinary district command council, and all municipal employees who came into contact with the executive mayor will go for screening and testing,” Ngudle said.

“Members of the public who had contact with the mayor are also advised to go for testing and to self-quarantine until results come back to mitigate the spread of the virus.”

Her spokespers­on said Sokanyile would continue working, with her meetings and interactio­ns done virtually.

She said despite the setback, the mayor remained in high spirits. She was diagnosed with the virus on Tuesday.

Last week Ngcobo mayor Siyabulela Zangqa tested positive for Covid-19.

This led to the closure of municipal offices in Ngcobo for cleaning while staff and councillor­s who had come into contact with him were tested.

Last Wednesday OR Tambo’s main administra­tion block, Myezo Park, was closed for decontamin­ation after one staff member tested positive.

Ngudle said Sokanyile had not been in the office when she tested positive as they were already closed.

He said after the building was cleaned, the municipali­ty had started phasing in the return of workers yesterday.

He said the mayor has urged all leaders and the public to adhere to regulation­s, including wearing a mask in public and regularly washing their hands.

The Eastern Cape ANC provincial executive committee wished her a speedy recovery, with provincial secretary Lulama Ngcukayito­bi saying he had been in contact with her.

“In line with government guidelines on the management of Covid-19 cases, we have been assured that steps have been taken to secure treatment of the executive mayor and provide support to her family,” he said.

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