Daily Dispatch

A guide to easing your pet into the ‘new normal’

Dogs and cats will also have to adjust to a quieter household during the day


As many of us prepare to head back to work, there’s one family member who may not be anticipati­ng the change.

Pets have become used to having us around every day, available for walks and affection on demand.

So how will they cope with a return to their old routine of spending days home alone?

Research from British pet insurers Petplan has found that more than half of the UK’s pets “aren’t ready” for lockdown to end, and 48 percent of owners are thinking about preparing their pets for the transition.

As pack animals, most dogs are happiest when the family is together, and rescues can be particular­ly vulnerable to separation anxiety.

Cats, however, may welcome the return to work — many will have found the enforced proximity of lockdown stressful, and are likely to become less anxious with more time to themselves.

Although, if you have a very affectiona­te or nervous cat, they may respond to your absence by soiling, scratching furniture or hiding.

If getting a companion cat is impossible, consider a calming plug-in product such as Feliway, which some vets recommend.

Make sure they have a safe, clean sleeping area and litter tray, and that other cats can’t get in through their flap — often a major source of stress.

Little wonder that animal charity Dogs Trust recently referred to the pet problem as a “ticking time bomb” and warned owners to pay attention now to avoid behavioura­l and emotional issues down the line.

Sarah Tapsell, an RSPCA clinical behaviouri­st, explains that identifyin­g the problem is the first step. “Separation-related issues are vastly under-diagnosed in our dogs. We may never know,” she says.

“It can be very useful to invest in a wi-fi camera for home, so you can observe your dog while you are out.”

But bear in mind that they know not what they do. “All animals can suffer from frustratio­n or fear,” Tapsell adds. “It is important to not tell them off or punish them if they are upset, even if you think what they are doing is naughty. They are doing it for a reason.”

Signs that a dog isn’t coping with your absence include incessant barking, howling, pacing and wrecking the house — panting, trembling, destroying furniture, weeing (and worse) on the floor are all signs of stress.

But short of jacking in our careers and staying in bed surrounded by poodles forever, how can we reassure our beloved hounds?

Dog behaviouri­st Nick Jones recommends introducin­g short periods of “alone time” well before you return to work. Either shut your dog in a separate room to you — many feel insecure having the run of the whole house — or head out.

“Leave the dog in its safe sleeping space, with a distractin­g, food-based toy,” he says. “Start with five minutes, then build up to 10 and 15 — and add on five minutes every other day.

“The key is to stretch the time gradually, so it’s not a sudden shock.”

If your pet had a walker prelockdow­n, then it’s a good idea to reintroduc­e them for a short visit, too. “But the dog shouldn’t be overly flooded with too much too soon,” Jones adds.

“A gentle reintroduc­tion, with one or two others at a time, is a very sensible way to help your pet adjust.”

And when you come home from work, don’t make a huge show of it — put your bag and keys away, then greet them.

“It helps if we don’t get pets worked up by making a fuss about leaving or returning,” agrees Carla Finzel, a veterinary district nurse. “There’s no harm in pretending we are going out to get them used to it, even if we’re just going round the corner,” she adds. “It all helps to normalise our absences.”

It’s also useful to minimise noise disturbanc­es. “Some owners may leave the TV, talk radio or lights on. Leave your tablet playing chilled-out bird sounds or relaxing music for separation anxiety,” says Finzel. You can also close curtains, so they don’t spend all day staring out of the window, waiting for your return. It’ sa good idea to praise your pet when it’s calm, too, she adds. “Reward your dog when he is relaxed, so he associates treats with chilled-out behaviour.”

The most helpful thing that you can do, though, is to walk your dog before you go to work. A tired pet is much more able to relax than one that is full of pent-up energy, and if you also offer a walk, or a play session when you return, it will accept that you’re coming back and there’s something to look forward to.

“Set aside regular times to interact with your pets, ideally twice a day,” advises Finzel. The most important thing, however, is not to pass your worry on to your dog, no matter how much you’ll miss your precious furry baby.

“But I’d encourage people not to panic,” says Jones. “Dogs are much more resilient than we give them credit for.”

 ?? Picture: 123rf ?? OPPOSITES: As more people return to work, some dogs, who are most happiest when the family is together, may be vulnerable to separation anxiety. Cats are, for the most part, likely to be happier to have their home to themselves again.
Picture: 123rf OPPOSITES: As more people return to work, some dogs, who are most happiest when the family is together, may be vulnerable to separation anxiety. Cats are, for the most part, likely to be happier to have their home to themselves again.

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