Daily Dispatch

Help these hungry ticks get to the cat and dog



4 The ______ dog tick ( Haemaphysa­lis leachii) is a small yellow-brown tick which is the chief transmitte­r of biliary in dogs and tick bite fever in humans

6 The bont-legged tick ( Hyalomma sp.) is a large brown tick with banded red and white stripes which has a toxin in its saliva that causes a nasty and ______ bite 9 ______ and anaplasmos­is are two diseases transmitte­d from ticks to cattle 14 Once a tick has found a host, they make a small cut on the skin and insert a straw-like ______ tube to drink the blood 15 Common name for the 1 host ticks 16 After feeding, an engorged female tick will fall off and lay ____ of eggs

18 Larvae ______ to become nymphs which feed on animals until they moult to become adults

19 The red-legged tick ( Rhipicepha­lus evertsi evertsi) is the most important vector of babesia equi which causes biliary in

______ 22 Ticks don't fly or jump, they usually camp out on blades of ______ or other foliage, where they wait for a human or animal to come to them 23 The red-legged ticks attach most commonly around the anus of horses with the immature nymphs in the ______


1 The ______ tick ( Rhipicepha­lus sanguineus) has adapted to living in houses and kennels, transmits biliary and attaches most often to the ears and between the toes

2 Ticks feed on the ______ of animal hosts and need this blood to survive

3 Eggs hatch into ______ which feed on small mammals and birds

5 Diseases transmitte­d from animal to human

7 An organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense

8 Ticks can stay on their host for as long as two days, slowly drinking blood. They then drop off and ______ in the grass for their next meal

10 Ticks are most active during the ______ months

11 Ticks typically require 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successful­ly ______ infections like biliary fever, so prompt removal is crucial

12 Any living thing that can transfer diseases

13 The sticky substance, ______ helps ticks attach their feeding tubes, which are often barbed, firmly into their hosts

17 Ticks belong to the group, arachnids and are related to ______, mites and scorpions

19 Ticks burrow their ______ into the skin of the host

20 Number of legs

21 The Yellow dog tick likes to attach to the neck and shoulders of its ______

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