Daily Dispatch

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2 All mosquitoes need water to _____ 4 Both male and female mosquitoes feed off nectar from plants but only females need ______

7 When a female feeds on blood their ______ expands and can hold up to 3 times its own body weight in blood

10 Animals without a backbone or bony skeleton

11 Mosquitoes belong to the ______ Culicidae (from the Latin word 'culex' meaning 'gnat')

13 When biting with their proboscis, they stab two tubes into the skin: one to inject an ______ that inhibits blood clotting; the other to suck blood into their bodies 14 Feeding behaviour

15 Malaria parasites attach themselves to the gut of a female mosquito and enter a ______ as she feeds

19 Female mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in ______ water, even very shallow puddles are suitable

21 Only ______ mosquitoes bite humans 22 In some cases, such as in yellow fever, a virus enters the mosquito as it feeds on an infected human and is transmitte­d via the mosquito’s ______ to a subsequent victim 23 Deadliest animal in the world 24 Group of mosquitoes


1 'Mosquito" is spanish word for 'little ______'

3 Mosquitoes are as old as the _____

5 3 species of mosquito transmit ______, Anopheles, Culex and Aedes

6 ______ is needed for all mosquito species to complete their life cycles

8 Most common mosquito-borne disease 9 ______ mosquitoes are the only species known to carry malaria

12 An elongated sucking mouth part that is typically tubular and flexible

14 Mosquitoes use exhaled ______ dioxide, body odours,temperatur­e, and movement to home in on their victims

16 Average life span is 2 weeks to 6 ______

17 Females need to feed on blood as they require the extra ______ to be able to lay eggs

18 Mosquitoes are small _____ belonging to the order Diptera (flies)

20 Four life stages: eggs, larvae, ______, adult

21 Mosquitoes are a reliable source of _____for thousands of animals, including birds, bats, dragonflie­s, and frogs

25 The flapping of their ______ makes the irritating buzzing sound that we hear at night

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