Daily Dispatch

Sabelo Ndlovu and Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba Insight Pandemic shows capitalist economic model needs to be changed

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The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has underscore­d the necessity to rethink the existing economic model informed by capitalist logics of exploitati­on and profitmaki­ng. In many instances, the desire for profit trumps considerat­ion for welfare and the environmen­t.

In many African countries, exploitati­on of minerals without beneficiat­ion, or value addition, has contribute­d to mass poverty. This compromise­s people s health and the ability

’ to cope with the outbreak of a pandemic of Covid-19 s magnitude.

What emerged poignantly from coping with Covid-19 is the urgent need to think about the welfare of the many, rather than profits and consumeris­m. An economy of welfare considers the workers, women and other vulnerable groups in society.

Capitalism, which extols profit maximisati­on, needs to make way for social capitalism. This would ensure living wages for workers and give a higher priority to caring for the environmen­t. Failure to rethink the current model will accentuate poverty and inequality. This in turn will make people more vulnerable to global shocks that may result from future pandemics.

More than any other region of the world, Africa remains the epicentre of poverty. This, while corporatio­ns exploit its resources and political elites misappropr­iate its wealth. The Covid-19 pandemic has made urgent the need to move away from the economy of exploitati­on to one of welfare, which puts people first.

The continued entrapment of African countries in the global circuit of capital and its proclivity to large scale accumulati­on imperils the ability of many to cope with the pandemic. This reality prompted research that culminated in the Palgrave Handbook of African Political Economy edited by Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba and Toyin Falola.

The handbook illuminate­s a lively debate on how the past feeds into the present, shaping the political economy of African countries. And it looks at how they could be changed in a way that also values lives, not just profits.

The various chapters cover different aspects of African political economy in the past

— and in the present. Conclusion­s are not the same. But a central argument is the need for structural transforma­tion of economies through value addition to natural resources such as minerals and metals, oil and gas. They also highlight the importance of self-reliance, regional integratio­n and a more nuanced state involvemen­t.

This should go beyond creating the enabling environmen­t for productive enterprise­s. It should also ensure distributi­on in ways that foster inclusive developmen­t.

The project enabled a new generation of scholars to revisit the historical ideas of a range of writers. These included Frantz Fanon, Samir Amin, Walter Rodney, Kwame Nkrumah, Thandika Mkandawire, Claude Ake, Bade Onimode and Amilcar Cabral. The scholars explain the problemati­c way in which Africa was brought into the global circuit of power and capitalist economy. These were combined with the thoughts of a younger generation of scholars.

Ndlovu-Gatsheni outlined four moments of the rampaging global capital. These are:

● The kidnapping and commodific­ation of black African people through enslavemen­t;

● The plantation economies where black labour was exploited;

Colonies where African people were reduced to providers of cheap labour; and

The present neocolonia­l moment where Africans are suffering due to debt slavery initiated by the present global financial empire, supported by the IMF and other financial institutio­ns.

The Covid-19 pandemic hit an Africa that was already structural­ly fragile and vulnerable due to its unfair position within the global capitalist economy. Lockdown measures had a harsh impact due to the informal nature of the continent s

’ economies.

Some states rolled out massive stimulus packages to the private sector to revamp their economies hit by the lockdowns.

Neverthele­ss, the IMF forecasts that Africa ’ s economy will shrink by -3.2% in 2020. Growth is now expected to collapse in many countries, especially those dependent on tourism and resources, such as oil and mineral exports. Growth in more diversifie­d non-resourced based economies is expected to come to a near standstill ”.

Covid-19 has laid bare the inherent contradict­ions in the political economy of Africa. Lack of a universal basic income in most countries worsened household incomes and welfare. As Akinola Adeoye argues in his chapter in the handbook, the market-orientated reforms imposed on Africa by the Bretton Woods institutio­ns from the 1980s weakened the capacity of its states to reallocate resources.

For his part, Oloruntoba emphasises the external and extractive nature of economies. This has led to loss of revenues in the form of illicit financial flows from the continent, impinging on the capacity of states to mobilise resources.

The management of African economies post-Covid-19 must go beyond sporadic interventi­ons and stimulus packages such as those seen during the pandemic.

It must engage with what Mariana Mazzucato calls market shaping. This means the state becomes active in governing both the supply side of the economy (investment­s) and the demand side (government as purchaser) so that citizens benefit.

In other words, the state should go beyond fixing market failures to shaping market motives and behaviours.

The synergy that the state formed with the private sector during the pandemic should be sustained in ways that can lead to massive investment in innovation, job-creating infrastruc­ture and social sectors such as education and health.

African political elites must also be held accountabl­e by both civil society and the private sector to minimise rentseekin­g. This will ensure that resources are judiciousl­y used to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. This article

— was originally published in The Conversati­on

Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni is professor and chair of Epistemolo­gies of the Global South, University of Bayreuth, Germany and Unisa and Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba is a visiting professor Institute of African Studies, Carleton University

Covid-19 has laid bare the inherent contradict­ions in the political economy of Africa

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