Daily Dispatch

Fire destroys Greenfield­s family home in minutes


A Greenfield­s family was left with nothing but the clothes on their backs when their home was destroyed in a blaze in the early hours of Monday.

Dee Love said the home she and her husband Eean had built over 10 years had crumbled to the ground in a matter of minutes.

Speaking to the Dispatch on Tuesday, an emotional Love said her five-year-old son had been sleeping while her husband had gone to check on her mother, who needed oxygen for her tank in the cottage next to the house.

She said they did not know how the fire had started but the ceiling was soon engulfed in flames.

Love said the family was devastated and in shock over the traumatic incident which left them without a home.

“This morning I woke up in tears. It is a huge shock to lose everything,” Love said.

She said their insurance company had organised accommodat­ion for the family while their house is rebuilt over four months.

Love said the inferno had taken the lives of two of their dogs.

“It all happened so quickly.

My main concern was my son, who was sleeping.

“My husband, after he had helped my mom with her oxygen tank, tried everything to stop the flames but they were too strong.

“The roof was on fire and started caving in.

“When my husband ran out of the house with my son they were covered in soot.

“They were suffering from smoke inhalation. My son has a heart condition so I had to rush him to the hospital,” Love said.

She said the cause of the fire had not been establishe­d but she suspected an electrical fault as the flames had started in the roof.

Buffalo City Metro spokespers­on Samkelo Ngwenya said the cause of the fire had not been determined.

“On arrival of the [fire] crews the house was well alight; the crews got to work with one line from engine 9 and two lines from engine 2 to extinguish the fire,” Ngwenya said.

Ngwenya said no injuries or deaths had been reported.

“Fire calls are not reported directly to the fire department. Communitie­s are requested to report all fire calls to 043-7059000; this centre operates 24/7,” he said.

When the Dispatch visited the Greenfield­s home, the smell from the fire lingered in the air.

The house was filled with piles of rubble that included tiles from the roof and other burnt items.

In the lounge, parts of the sofas, a room divider and bookshelf remained while the four bedrooms were completely destroyed.

The walls were covered in soot.

Love’s mother, Sue Committie said: “I am still very shaken. I get very bad anxiety. If I had not called my son-in-law at 5am asking for help with my oxygen tank I do not know what would have happened. I am just glad we are all safe.”

An emotional Love said the neighbourh­ood had rallied to collect clothes and food items for the family.

The Loves own an entertainm­ent bar in Quigney but said income was not constant.

“We will have to start from scratch, including clothes, furniture and food,” Love said.

Readers who would like to help the family with clothing and other items can contact Love on 073-525-4821.

 ?? Picture: MICHAEL PINYANA ?? DEVASTATED: The home that burnt down in Greenfield­s, East London, leaving the owners with nothing.
Picture: MICHAEL PINYANA DEVASTATED: The home that burnt down in Greenfield­s, East London, leaving the owners with nothing.

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