Daily Dispatch

Legal row as Zimbabwe chief justice’s tenure extended


Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has extended the tenure of the chief justice by five years following contentiou­s changes to the constituti­on that allowed for the extension and are being challenged in court by lawyers.

Chief Justice Luke Malaba had been due to retire on Saturday when he turns 70, but Mnangagwa’s ruling ZANU-PF party used its majority in parliament to amend the constituti­on, allowing the president to extend the retirement age of senior judges to 75 years if they proved they were in good health.

The chief secretary to the cabinet said Mnangagwa had accepted a medical report from Malaba, which showed the top judge had the “mental and physical fitness to continue”.

Lawyers and the opposition say the amendment that allowed Malaba to continue in office and empower Mnangagwa to appoint judges of the Constituti­onal and Supreme Courts rather than go through public interviews was a violation of the country’s charter.

They argue that under the constituti­on, changes to term limits require a referendum and that incumbents do not benefit from such changes.

But the government says it only changed the retirement age. The high court will on Friday hear preliminar­y arguments before confirming a date for a full hearing.

In court papers, the lawyers have cited the justice minister, Malaba and all 16 judges of the constituti­onal and supreme courts as respondent­s in the case. The judges oppose the court challenge.

Some legal experts say Zimbabwe could be heading towards a constituti­onal crisis.

If the high court dismisses the case and the lawyers appeal, they will have to face the very same judges they have cited in their court challenge. —

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