Daily Dispatch

Samwu berates Salga for hailing ‘progress’ on wage talks

Salga issued a statement, hailing ‘progress made’ during the second round of wage talks


The SA Municipal Workers Union, SA’S biggest local government union body, representi­ng about 160,000 workers, has lashed out at the body representi­ng the country’s 257 municipali­ties for trying to create an impression that parties in the bargaining council are “warming up to each other” and that an agreement will be reached soon.

The SA Local Government Associatio­n (Salga) had issued a statement hailing “progress made” during the second round of wage talks at the SA Local Government Bargaining Council in Durban this week, saying this augured well for labour peace and stability in the local government sector. It was agreed that further talks be held from June 3.

Salga, which is proposing a 2.8% wage increase for 2021/2022, below the 3.2% inflation rate recorded in March and the 4.3% average the Reserve Bank expects for 2021, said the parties acknowledg­ed negotiatio­ns were taking place amid an economic downturn spawned by Covid-19.

“There is a highly reduced ability of municipali­ties to collect and generate revenue due to the impact on businesses and households,” Salga said.

“Salga remains fairly optimistic in the progress made at the negotiatio­n table and the parties have affirmed their commitment to work towards a common ground”

The associatio­n said this boded well for labour peace and stability as well as “service delivery without interrupti­ons”.

Treasury embarked on a collision course with unions in 2020 by calling on municipali­ties to apply for exemption from standing wage agreements after finance minister Tito Mboweni announced deep cuts to the public sector wage bill over the next three years — a decision the unions said was a “declaratio­n of war”.

Samwu wants R4,000 salary increase across the board. Imatu, which represents about 80,000 workers, want a 9% wage hike or R2,500, whichever is greater.

Samwu will embark on a nationwide campaign to give its members feedback on the talks, “wherein the scenarios presented by the employer would be given to members for a decision to be made on the way forward”, said deputy general secretary Dumisane Magagula.

 ?? Picture: ROBERT BOTHA ?? BACK OFF: The SA Municipal Workers Union lashed out at Salga for trying to create an impression that parties in the bargaining council are “warming up to each other” and that an agreement will be reached soon.
Picture: ROBERT BOTHA BACK OFF: The SA Municipal Workers Union lashed out at Salga for trying to create an impression that parties in the bargaining council are “warming up to each other” and that an agreement will be reached soon.

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