Daily Dispatch

Africa put forward convincing case on climate change, energy, health at G7 summit: Ramaphosa


President Cyril Ramaphosa says the time has come for Africa to become self-reliant.

“We want African countries to be self-reliant when it comes to fertiliser production and we are going to be working with the G7 countries to see how best we can reach that level.”

Speaking in an interview after wrapping up his visit to Germany, where he attended the G7 Leaders’ Summit, Ramaphosa said a proposal, similar to that of how Africa managed the Covid-19 pandemic vaccines, was in the pipeline.

“I am particular­ly pleased about this prospect, that we should improve fertiliser production so as to secure food security. If we want to secure food security, be it grains or any other food commodity, it is fertiliser that is going to make us reach that level.”

Ramaphosa said SA’S participat­ion this year took place at a time when the world was confronted by myriad challenges, including the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and the war in Ukraine, which has resulted in the high cost of living in many developing countries.

Ramaphosa, who represente­d the continent with AU chair Macky Sall, Senegal’s president, met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, “to reflect on the path that we had traversed with India and many other countries, on the issue of the TRIPS Waiver at the World

Trade Organisati­on”.

“We argued against the views expressed by many of the G7 countries and finally got them to concede that there should be a waiver.”

Because he and Sall represente­d Africa so well on the matter, Ramaphosa said, “We also felt that we should use that as a foundation for further discussion­s and warn them that we want to see concession­s when we discuss the issue of therapeuti­cs and diagnostic­s, which the WTO is going to handle in six months.”

Furthermor­e, he said, “We argued that we want to see them making concession­s so that countries in the developing economies should be able to make therapeuti­cs and diagnostic­s so that we don t end up making vaccines only.

“We also argued that we want them as G7 countries, ’together with their associatio­ns, to buy vaccines made in Africa for their own environmen­ts, as well as for other African countries to whom they may donate. We were very pleased that when it comes to the issue of vaccines therapeuti­cs and diagnostic­s, we put forward a very convincing case.”

Ramaphosa said he had urged the internatio­nal community to work together towards a new treaty for pandemic preparedne­ss and response.

On climate change, Ramaphosa said G7 countries recognised that many developing-economy countries were not responsibl­e for the carbon emissions that have led to climate change. “They recognise that they have a responsibi­lity and also have to pledge solidarity to assist us as we traverse towards renewable energy type of economic developmen­t and that they need to make funding available.

“They recognise that regarding the COP that happened in Paris, they did not live up to their commitment­s to provide funding for developing economies so that we can begin to mitigate climate change.

“We also recognised the deal that was made in COP26 and that the negotiatio­ns are now under way with regard to the $8.5bn [R136.4bn] that has been made available for SA.

Germany added another €300m [R5.1bn] that it said it would make available.”

He said negotiatio­ns were still going to ensue to establish what the package means for SA.

“But we made it clear that we will be able to embark on a transition only [if we can] ensure that the jobs of our mineworker­s are not affected and the communitie­s that live in and about mining towns are not adversely affected — so we need to manage the transition very well.”

In his discussion­s with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Ramaphosa discussed the speedy resolution of the conflict in Ukraine and how to further enhance bilateral trade relations.

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