Daily Dispatch

Three staffers held after ‘hijacking’ as money is found among loaves


Three employees from a bread company have been arrested after cash was found hidden in their load, casting doubt on their alleged hijacking.

The trio will appear in the Sterksprui­t magistrate’s court on Monday.

Police spokespers­on Capt Ursula Roelofse said the driver contacted police on Saturday, saying he and his two crew members were stopped by five occupants of a white Ford bakkie in Herschel.

“They told officers they managed to run away and when they returned, they found the safe and the money missing.

“They then drove to the police station to report the incident,” said Roelofse.

She said during the preliminar­y investigat­ion, police searched the truck and found money hidden among crates of bread.

She said the trio failed to provide a reasonable explanatio­n about the hidden cash and the three men, aged 29, 38 and 40, were arrested on charges of theft and perjury.

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