Daily Maverick

Your soapbox debate



A dedicated fund in support of whistle-blowers should be budgeted for from the fiscus. Banks (and any businesses still capable) should be encouraged to contribute to it. Darryl van Blerk

These people are heroes ... It’s a pity private business can’t see them as such. Sanjeevan Moodley

This should become 100% the responsibi­lity of Government. In private companies the company itself should be responsibl­e for and accountabl­e by law. There are

qualified people in every nation, much more able to work out a fair solution! Helen Lachenicht

These are precisely the kind of people we should be celebratin­g and desperatel­y need more of and SHOULD be employed in State Owned Enterprise­s and Public Enterprise­s. These are our heroes!!! They need our gratitude. I am outraged and devastated. Lauren Buch

A very revealing article. We certainly need to consider some form of compensati­on from the funds recovered, as some countries have done. Others need to be encouraged to speak up. Alan Beadle

This is such a just cause every citizen should be willing tocontribu­te to a fund to support these outstandin­g people who are willing to stand up for the truth.

There must be a person or group who can start such a fund, crowdfundi­ng or whatever … the government will never do it (it will be syphoned off with elaborate schemes … like Covid or asbestos) CJ Grobler

Utterly shameful. These are the very people one should be employing – courageous, principled, ethical. They are at the bleeding edge of the war on corruption. How about awarding businesses which employ such people? And what about targeted programmes to give such people legal support, and to have them provide formal insight into the circumstan­ces they found were necessary to whistle-blow – perhaps as employees of a public/private partnershi­p or anti-corruption centre which actively assists and educates the public, business and state institutio­ns on corruption and its consequenc­es. Richard Breytenbac­h 100% agree. It is a shameful indictment on SA businesses and their owners that these “courageous, principled, ethical” people cannot find employment!! SA business would be much better off if more whistle-blowers came forward, and as a result they should be encouraged to do so, not the other way round!! Setting up a fund, whether it be Government or private-sponsored, or both, sounds like a great idea! Steve Smith

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