Daily Maverick

Mr Gordhan, reform the SOEs

- By Ray Mahlaka

By now, the impact of sophistica­ted corruption on state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs) and organs during the State Capture years is well audited and documented. Commission­s of inquiry relating to State Capture, the affairs of the SA Revenue Service (SARS) and the Public Investment Corporatio­n have laid bare the evidence of how SOEs and organs were repurposed to benefit a coterie of politicall­y connected individual­s over the public.

Even if the workings of State Capture are not well understood, its impact has been felt by the SA taxpayer; public funds earmarked for crucial service delivery programmes have been diverted to support financiall­y distressed SOEs.

In the State Capture story, there are vil

lains and heroes. Public Enterprise­s

Minister Pravin Gordhan still enjoys hero status and the history books will acknowledg­e his bravery for speaking out against a kleptocrat­ic state under Jacob Zuma – even when it wasn’t popular to do so.

But the history books will also acknow ledge Gordhan for being a key public servant since SA transition­ed to democracy in 1994, because he was the SARS Commission­er, headed the Finance Ministry (twice) and Co-operative Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs. In other words, he had a grip on the levers of power and state decision-making.

When reflecting on the sorry state of SOEs, Gordhan cites the State Capture project as the main reason for their crippling financial and governance woes: “In recent years, the

SOEs have been honey pots of State Capture, largely because of their large procuremen­t spend … Unfortunat­ely, we are still recovering from the terrible damage caused by looting and State Capture,” he wrote in a DM168 opinion article.

This has also been

Gordhan’s default position when briefing MPs in various committees about the financial affairs of Eskom, South African Airways (SAA), Denel, the Passenger Rail Agency of SA, and other SOEs.

But Gordhan has failed to reflect on his place in several government administra­tions

and the role his ANC colleagues have played in the mismanagem­ent of SOEs, using them to grease patronage networks. It’s as if the Cabinet and the governing ANC had no control of the shady goings-on at SOEs; that State Capture was an external force that single-handedly appointed ethically challenged directors to boards, and unlawfully channelled lucrative contracts to politicall­y exposed individual­s.

Since 2004, SA has adopted a developmen­tal state model that involves using SOEs to invest in rail freight infrastruc­ture, for instance, to grow the economy and create jobs. Yet the developmen­t state model has failed outright – SOEs have weighed negatively on economic growth and depend on government bailouts for survival. Just look at Eskom.

In his opinion article, Gordhan said the “government’s aim is to stop the reliance of SOEs on the fiscus”. His assurance has been undermined by SAA, which has asked the government in the 2021 Budget Review for an additional R3.5-billion for its never-ending business rescue process. This is over and above the R10.5-billion SAA received in October 2020.

Gordhan, working with Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe, is also targeting reforms at Eskom and SA’s energy generation capacity. So far, the report card isn’t glowing. The restructur­ing of Eskom’s R480-billion debt continues to be sidesteppe­d by the government.

Despite administra­tive progress, such as the government amending laws for electricit­y self-generation by private firms, not a single additional megawatt has yet been procured or added to the national grid.

Instead of expending more oxygen and energy to explain the impact of State Capture, Gordhan needs to move with speed on reforms. They are simple: hold the line on further SOE bailouts, pare back the degree of state ownership of entities (there are about 700), and reduce Eskom’s monopoly on power by embracing self-generation and renewable energy.

Instead of expending more oxygen and energy to explain the impact of State Capture, Gordhan needs to

move with speed on reforms.

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